Computer Programming 2400-IiE2PRK
1. Creating and running programs in Code::Blocks. Text terminal, streams cin and cout. Variables and data types.
2. Control statements: if, while, for, do.
3. Arrays, template vector.
4. C-style strings. Class string.
5. Functions.
6. Simple algorithms: finding the greatest element of an array, calculating the sum of numbers in an array, greatest common divisor, string-searching.
7. Designing and implementing simple programs. Structured programming.
8. Complex types: structures and classes. Designing and implementing of simple classes.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
1. They know basic C++ programming concepts.
2. They can implement simple functions in C++.
3. They can understand source code in C++ and predict its execution.
4. They can design and create simple classes.
5. They can use these skills to implement simple programs in C++.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
They have to pass a test (20% points) and a final exam (80% points).
S. B. Lippman, C++ Primer
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: