Innovations and International Technology Transfer 2400-ICU2IIT
1. Theories of innovation: neoclasssical, neoschumpeterian, evolutionary (3 hrs)
2. Models of innovation processes: supply-push and demand-pull (2 hrs)
3. Types of innovations and taxonomy (2 hrs)
4. Innovations and economic growth (3 hrs)
5. Innovations and international trade (3 hrs)
6. Innovations and foreign direct investment (3 hrs)
7. Technology gap theory (3 hrs)
8. International diffusion of knowledge and innovations (3 hrs)
9. Technological and economic convergence (3 hrs)
10. Technology transfer: catching up and comparative advantage (3 hrs)
11. Lisbon strategy and innovation policy for transition economies (2 hrs)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A) Knowledge: Student acquires knowledge on the fundamentals of economic theory of innovations and its applications to analysing international technology transfer in the knowledge-based economy. In particular his/her knowledge is extended by formal models of innovation and diffusion in closed and open economies, including nodeling of innovations and diffusion in technology gap..
B) Skills: Student gains skills to identify and solve problems related to international technology transfer in order to support real convergence in open economies suffering from technology gap; in designing instruments of innovation promoting macroeconomic policies and microeconomic tools enhancing the assimilation of foreign technology by firms.
C) Social competences: Student is able to predict the outcomes and impact of international technology transfer for technology gap dynamics in less advanced countries , including the effects of FDI inflow, impact for trade and economic growth. Student is capable to understand the interrelatedness and feedbacks between globalisation and technology gap dynamics among countries in the world economyj.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KW04, KW05, KU01, KU02, KU03, KU04, KU05, KU06, KU07, KK01, KK02, KK03
Assessment criteria
Grading based on attendance and delivering an essay
C. Antonelli, D. Foray, B.H. Hall, W.E. Steinmueller, New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2006
D. Archibugi, J. Michie, eds., Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997
D. Archibugi, J. Michie, eds., Trade, Growth and Technical Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998
D. Audretsch (red.), Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northanpton MA USA, 2006
M. Cimolt, G. Dosi, J.E. Stiglitz (red.), Industrial Policy and Development. The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009
G. Dosi et al., eds, Technical Change and Economic Theory, Pinter publishers, London 1988
G. Dosi et al., eds, The Economics of Technical Change and International Trade, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York 1990
J. Fagerberg, D.C. Mowery, R.R. Nelson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005
S. Gomulka, The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth, Routledge, London 1990 /Teoria innowacji i wzrostu gospodarczego, CASE, Warszawa 1998/
G. Grossman, E. Helpman, Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy, MIT Press, Cambridge 1991
P. Hall, Innovation, Economics and Evolution, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York 1994
M. Hirooka, Innovation Dynamism and Economic Growth. A Nonlinear Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2006
M. Hobday, Innovation in East Asia, Edward Elgar, Aldershot 1995
N. Kaldor, Causes of the Slow Rate of Growth of the United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1966
P. Krugman, Rethinking International Trade, MIT Press, Cambridge 1990
S. Kubielas, Innowacje i luka technologiczna w gospodarce globalnej opartej na wiedzy, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego WUW, Warszawa 2009
K. Laursen, Trade, Specialisation, Technology and Economic Growth. Theory and Evidence from Advanced Countries, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2000
K. Piech, S. Radosevic (eds.), The Knowledge-Based Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York 2006
S. Radosevic, International Technology Transfer and Catch-up in Economic Development, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1999
J. Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 1934.
J. Schmookler, Invention and Economic Growth, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1966
W. Świtalski, Innowacje i konkurencyjność, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego WUW, Warszawa 2005
B. Verspagen, Uneven Growth between Interdependent Economies, UPM, Maastricht 1992
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