International Trade Theory 2400-ICU1ITT
Topic 1. General equilibrium in the open economy
Class 1. Comparative advantage
Topic 2. Increasing returns
Class 2. Ricardian framework and increasing returns
Class 3. Heckscher-Ohlin framework and increasing returns
Topic 3. Imperfect competition
Class 4. Oligopolistic competition
Class 5. Monopolistic competition
Topic 4. Empirical assessment
Class 6. Testing new trade theory
Topic 5. International fragmentation
Class 7. Intermediate goods
Topic 6. Foreign direct investment
Class 8. Vertical multinationals
Class 9. Horizontal multinationals
Topic 7. Economic geography
Class 10. International location of production
Topic 8. Economic growth
Class 11. International trade and economic growth
Class 12. Knowledge diffusion
Topic 9. Environment
Class 13. International trade and the environment
Type of course
Course coordinators
Each lecture is assigned a specific reading list, available in the extended syllabus version from the Programme web site.
Those who did not attend undergraduate lectures on international trade are advised to consult selected chapters from Bowen H.P., Hollander A., Viane J.M, 1998 before reading the articles. These chapters will serve as a background reading.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: