Financial Accounting 2400-FiR2RAC
The seminar will be realized in two semesters in the form of joining the lecture (theoretical part, introduction) and the practice (the practical part, shows the practical use of the learnt principles of accountancy and the record of economic operations, team work consisting of joint problem-solving in 4-person groups and their edition in the sheet Excel spreadsheet). The way of leading of the class requires from the student an independent work, beyond class in the dimension of 3h every week, in order to prepare oneself to class and to realize the team work. The estimated, total number of hours, which the student should intend (taking under consideration the hours organized as part of class, the way of the credit is earned, the student independent work and team work) the defined for the object effects of learning in the amount of 150 hours.
The seminar is aimed to introduce the students to the principles of accountancy as the specific language of the business, they include the performance of the institutional plan of accounts, the methods of pricing, recording of economic operations, the principles of record of durable property (intangible assets, tangible fixed assets, long-term investments) and working capital (materials and goods, the products of work, cash and cash equivalents, public-legal settlements, settlements with recipient, workers), costs, revenues, liabilities (equity, liabilities, reserves) and the principle of preparing and recording of the list of payments and the accounts of business delegations, the calculation of the financial result in the comparative and spreadsheet variants, preparing financial statements.
in the winter semester the bases of accountancy and introduction to financial accountancy will be presented. The detailed plan of lectures and the subject matters of team work is as follows:
1. The system of accountancy - its functions
2. Principle of accountancy
3. The plan of accounts. Analytic and synthetic record
4. The balance method. Property and capital statements
5. The classification of assets and liabilities - the informative capacity of balance sheet
6. Principle of the current pricing of assets and liabilities
7. Equivalent operations and outcome
8. Revenues and cost, notion and classification
9. Account of costs – costs by function and costs by nature, account 490, the Accounts of generic costs
10. Financial result, the calculation of financial result in the income statement
11. The calculation of the cost of producing the ready product, production in course
12. The circle of costs, the change of the condition of products, differed accounts
13. Preparing profit and loss account based on costs by function and costs by nature
14. Maintaining accounting books
15. Financial reporting duties.
In the summer semester an advanced topics from financial accountancy will be presented to students. The detailed plan of lectures and the subject matter of team works:
1. Concepts and the principles of financial accountancy
Detailed problems of pricing, recording and reporting of fixed and current assets :
2. Cash and cash equivalents, cheques, bills, letters of credit - recording, pricing of economic operations in foreign currency
3. Tangible fixed assets - the amortization, appraising value, liquidation, sale
4. Intangible assets - identification, amortization, recording
5. Settlements with suppliers and recipients, public-legal settlements, based on the title of the VAT tax, income tax from natural persons and legal entities
6. Settlements with workers from the title of rewards and the costs of business trips
7. The inventory of materials, accounting for the purchase and final balances: deliveries in progress, deliveries invoiced, the purchase price, deviation from list prices
8. The inventory of goods, the sale price - the bill in hundred and from hundred, trade margin of profit
9. The inventory of ready products, accounting for the costs of the activity, list prices (the planned cost of production) and deviations from list prices as difference between the real and planned cost of production, production in progress
10. Long and short-term financial investments, amount due and financial obligation - pricing the correct purchase price
11. Financial and operating leases
12. Fixed assets under construction and investments in properties and intangible assets
13. Balance and reserves, reserve capital in equity
Accountancy and financial reporting - examples of recording of economic operations with preparing the opening and ending balances, income statements in the comparative and spreadsheet variants, the settlement of the basis of taxation and income tax current and postponed, the settlement of taxes with the Treasury Office from the title of the tax of VAT (value added tax).
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completion of the seminar the student will:
1. understand the principles of accountancy
2. arrangement of balance sheet and income statement
3. recognize and understand what is included on the individual positions of balance sheet and income statement
4. explain the categories of costs and income
1. explain positions on balance sheet and income statement
2. account for (as a consequence of economic operations) and record typical economic operations
3. prepare the opening and closing balance and income statement in comparative and spreadsheet variant
4. price the individual components of active positions and liabilities
5. calculate financial result
6. recognize connection among the individual positions of balance and income statement
1. analyse economic operations in the light of principles and the standards of accountancy
2. understand the part of accountanct and the possibilities of the politics of accountancy in creating the picture of the situation of the property and financial economics of an individual enterprise and the part of accountancy involved in the management the economics of an individual enterorise
KU05, KU06, KK01, KK03, KU04, KU03. KU02, KU01, KW03, KW02, KW01
Assessment criteria
The obligatory presence. Assesments based in 70% on written work at the end of the semester, composed from 3 tasks and 20 test questions of single choice and in 30% on work in groups during problem-solving tasks, consisting of solving the tasks in groups, related to topics discussed in class. Test questions concern the control of the accountancy law, the principles of pricing, introduction to financial statements (balance and profit and loss account) the results of economic operations. Examination tasks concern the record of economic operations, preparing balance sheet, profit and loss statement, establishing the settelments from the title of the VAT tax and income tax. The work in groups will consist of solving problems related to topics preseted during class. The groups will receive 1 point for the correct realization of every task. 6 points means a bdb (5) mark from the team work, 4-5 means a db (4) mark, 2-3 means a dst (3) mark and 0-1 a ndst (2) mark. From the test and the tasks students can get maximum of 50 points, a receipt 41-50 means a bdb (5), 31-40 means a db (4), 21-30 tmeans a dst (3), 0-20 means a ndst (2). Final mark is the sum of 30% mark from team work and 70% mark from examination (the test choice and problem-solving tasks).
The obligatory literature:
- Anna Białek-Jaworska, Rachunkowość finansowa - materiały na stronie w części Rachunkowość finansowa;
- Zbigniew Messner, Józef Pfaff, Rachunkowość finansowa Część I (Podstawy rachunkowości), Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce, Warszawa 2008;
- Wiktor Gabrusewicz (red.), Rachunkowość finansowa Część II (Rachunkowość dla zaawansowanych), Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce, Warszawa 2009;
- Zbigniew Messner (red.), Rachunkowość finansowa z uwzględnieniem MSSF, Warszawa 2007;
The literature supplementary:
- Maria Gmytrasiewicz, Anna Karmańska, Rachunkowość finansowa, Vademecum Rachunkowości, Difin, Warszawa 2006;
- Maria Gmytrasiewicz, Rachunkowość Podstawowe założenia i zasady, Vademecum Rachunkowości, Difin, Warszawa 2008;
- Irena Olchowicz, Agnieszka Tłaczała, Sprawozdawczość finansowa według krajowych i międzynarodowych standardów, Vademecum Rachunkowości, Difin, Warszawa 2008;
- Wiesław Sasin, Zakładowy plan kont dla spółki z o. o., Sigma, Warszawa 2008;
- Jerzy Gierusz, Plan kont z komentarzem. Handel Produkcja Usługi, Ośrodek Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Kadr Sp. z o. o., Gdańsk 2009;
- Grażyna Zdziennicka-Kaczocha, Podróże służbowe w kraju i poza jego granicami, Wydawnictwo Sigma, 2008;
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: