Public Finance II 2400-FPiP3FPII
1. The social security system with particular attention to the pension system and its impact on public finances. Social security reform in Poland and in the world. The current pension system in Poland.
2. The organization and financing of health care in Poland.
3-4. Decentralization, The division of public functions in decentralized system. Local government in selected countries. The economics of municipal services
5. Decentralization in Poland. The terms of reference and organization of local government in Poland.
6-7. The revenue of local governments. Own revenues including taxes and fees, grants. Basic principles of creation. Revenues of local and state budget.
8-9. Polish local governments’ revenues. Tax independence of Polish local governments, specific and general grants as a source of vertical and horizontal equalization.
10. Local governments’ debt. Causes, rules, restrictions. Rules of local indebtedness in Poland
11-12. Education as an example of the tasks of local character and supra-local effects- organization and financing in Poland and in the world.
13. Private sector in the implementation of public tasks. The genesis of the PPP (public private partnership), its form.
14. Budget and budgeting- in the search for effective budget policy- from the classical to the performance budget.
15. Research in the field of public finance- in particular local finances and the finances of social security (examples undertaken research problems relating to both the theory and the practical problems / to developing countries and developed countries /, specialized scientific journals in issues related to public finances, sources of international public finance statistics)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student in order to complete the course should 1) know and understand the basics of the social security system, education and healthcare in Poland 2) indicate the reasons for the decentralization of public finance 3) describe the structure of the basic tasks and sources of financing of Polish local authorities 4) describe and understand the causes and implications of local governments’ debt, Polish regulations governing its size 5) to analyze the information contained in the state budget and local governments’ budgets 6) indicate the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of budgeting 7) understand the concept and forms of PPPs 8) participating in the course of such interdisciplinary fields that are public finance, is aware the need for independent and critical supplement their knowledge throughout their lives
SU05, SU06, SK01, SK03, SU04, SU03, SU02, SU01, SW03, SW02, SW01, SW04, SW05, SK02, SK04
Assessment criteria
Written exam- multiple choice test + open questions
Rating scale:
<50-60%) 3
<60-70%) 3+
<70-80%) 4
<80-90%) 4+
<90-100%) 5
J. Stiglitz; Ekonomia sektora publicznego; PWN; Warszawa 2004 (selected chapters)
St. Owsiak; Finanse publiczne. Teoria i praktyka; PWN; Warszawa 2006 (selected chapters)
P. Swianiewicz; Finanse samorządowe. Koncepcje, realizacja i polityki lokalne; Municipium; Warszawa 2009 (selected chapters)
A. Kopańska; Zewnętrzne źródła finansowania zadań jednostek samorządu terytorialnego; DiFin; Warszawa 2004 (selected chapters)
J. Kleer (red); Samorząd terytorialny- dobro publiczne; CeDeWu; Warszawa 2008 (selected chapters)
K. Brzozowska; Partenrstwo Publiczno Prywatne , CeDeWu; Warszawa 2007 (selected chapters)
Bailey SJ; Local government economics. Principles and practice; MacMillan 1999 r. (selected chapters )
Selected studies available at: OECD Fiscal Federalism Network
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: