Establishing a company on the European market 2105-PP-L-D5ZDRE
1. Forms of conducting business activity under EU law:
(a) the definition of doing business;
b) analysis of basic definitions;
c) introduction to the basic legal regulations concerning economic freedoms.
2. Analysis of selected forms of doing business on the European market:
a) form of individual economic activity;
b) civil partnership;
c) general partnership;
d) professional partnership;
f) a limited liability company.
3. Basic forms of business taxation:
a) basic information on corporate income tax;
b) basic information on personal income tax;
c) tax on civil law transactions;
d) taxes in international trade: withholding tax.
4. Basic contracts applicable in the course of trading on the European market - types, scopes, preparation of:
a) mandate contract;
b) contracts for specific work;
c) insurance contracts;
d) leasing, tenancy and tenancy agreements;
e) sales contracts: guarantee, warranty, pre-emption, repurchase;
f) unnamed agreements: franchise agreements, factoring agreements.
5. Analysis of labor law regulations in the EU.
(a) types of employment contracts;
(b) the rights of employees and the obligations of employers;
c) counteracting mobbing and discrimination in the workplace.
6. Protection of entrepreneurs' rights under European law:
a) procedural and non-contentious pursuit of claims;
b) basic institutions in the field of civil law: lawsuit, order for payment,.
7. Forms of doing business in Germany:
a) forms of doing business - types of companies;
b) analysis of the German tax system;
c) analysis of basic information in the field of labor law.
8. Forms of doing business in France:
a) forms of doing business - types of companies;
b) analysis of the French tax system;
c) analysis of basic information in the field of labor law.
9. Forms of doing business in Italy:
a) forms of doing business - types of companies;
b) analysis of the Italian tax system;
c) analysis of basic information in the field of Italian labor law.
10. Forms of doing business in Spain:
a) forms of doing business - types of companies;
b) analysis of the Spanish tax system;
c) analysis of basic information in the field of Spanish labor law.
11. Forms of doing business in Great Britain:
(a) forms of doing business;
b) analysis of the British tax system;
c) analysis of basic information in the field of British employment law.
12. Pass.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- students will have knowledge about setting up a company on the European market and the impact of differences in the activities of the economies of EU Member States (K_W07);
- uses the basic principles of establishing and developing a company on the EU market; knows the difference between the functioning of the public and private sectors and their mutual relations in all sectors of cooperation of a newly established company on the EU market (K_W09);
- students will determine the conditions for the activities of private and public entities in the EU political, economic and social system due to their aspects; students will be aware of their copyrights, will know the main issues in the field of protection of private and industrial property, protection of personal data and commercial entities; they will know about the rules of access to public and confidential information (K_W13);
- the graduate knows and understands the legal status of officials and administrative employees in the EU and Member States, as well as the tasks related to their job position when establishing a company on the European market (S_W02);
- the graduate is able to analyze and forecast existing processes taking place in the company using standard methods and tools of company management in the EU internal market relevant for social and economic sciences (K_U04);
- the graduate is able to manage not only his own job but also that of the team he works with, with the help of education and implementation of professional internships throughout the European Union, acting in an entrepreneurial manner and implementing ideas and ideas of learning throughout professional life (K_U06);
- after completing the course, students will be able not only to analyze but also to solve specific problems in the social and economic areas and to propose effective, innovative and ethical ways of solving these problems when establishing and operating a company on the European market (K_U07);
- students will be able to prepare written works, both individual and in teams, in Polish and English, regarding economic and social issues in the implementation of company operations in the EU, using definitions and ties specific to European studies (K_U09);
- students are able to prepare an individual and team presentation in Polish and English, regarding social, political and economic issues of a newly established company and analyze the first results of the company's operations against the background of Europe and the EU, they are able to obtain information relevant to European studies (K_U10);
- the graduate is prepared to recognize the importance of knowledge and enrich professional experience throughout his life working in a company on the European market (K_K01);
- the graduate is prepared to perform professional roles in a European company, building tradition and cooperation in a group based on professional ethics that is appropriate for the European market (K_K02);
- the graduate is ready to initiate and define priorities in carrying out tasks both for himself and for other people, taking into account both public interests and the interests of the company directly, when operating on the European market (K_K03);
- the graduate will demonstrate creativity not only in seeking and obtaining profit for his company, but also in developing the company on the European market and creating new jobs for the society of EU countries using innovative methods and instruments of company management (K_K06).
Assessment criteria
Presentations, papers, active participation in classes, performance of individual tasks in groups, in a specific economic situation, in any EU country, final test.
1. Młodzikowska D., Lundén B, Jednoosobowa firma. Jak założyć i samodzielnie prowadzić jednoosobową działalność gospodarczą, BL Info, 2015.
2. Heinze K., Księga przychodów i rozchodów: wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o rozliczaniu działalności gospodarczej, Helion, 2015.
3. Mierosławska B., Księga przychodów i rozchodów. Krok po kroku, Helion, 2015.
3. Ustawa z dnia 6 marca 2018 roku, Prawo przedsiębiorców;
4. Ustawa z dnia 15 września 2000 roku, Kodeks Spółek Handlowych;
5. Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 roku, Kodeks Cywilny;
6. Ustawa z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 roku, Kodeks Pracy;
7. Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE;
8. Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 roku o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych;
9. Ustawa z dnia 15 lutego 1992 roku o podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych;
10. Ustawa z dnia 26 lipca 1991 roku o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych;
11. J. Pikuła, Prawo handlowe i gospodarcze w pytaniach i odpowiedziach;
12. red. Mariusz Bidziński, D. Jagiełło, Prawo gospodarcze – zagadnienia wybrane;
13. red. Z. Snażyk, A. Szafrański, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze;
14. J. Barcz, Prawo gospodarcze Unii Europejskiej;
15. D. Szafrański, Przedsiębiorca zagraniczny, zagadnienia adminsitracyjnoprawne;
16. M. Wendler, B. Tremml, B.J. Buecker, Key Aspects of German Business Law;
17. G. Varrasi, Italian Business Law;
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: