European Programs and Funds 2105-PP-L-D3PIUE
1. EU cohesion policy - the essence and genesis of the EU cohesion policy (regional policy, structural policy - differentiation of terms), economic, social and territorial cohesion, objectives and principles of the EU cohesion policy, monitoring of funds; programming of funds; evaluation of funds.
2. The essence of the classification of territorial units of the European Union - NUTS (exemplification on the example of Poland and the European Union).
3. Financial perspective 2021-2027 - budget assumptions, development goals and priorities, strategic documents at the EU level (framework regulation, regulation on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF), regulation on the European Social Fund Plus ( ESF +), Interreg regulation, Just Transition Fund (JTF) regulation.
4. Financial perspective 2021-2027 - budget assumptions, development goals and priorities, strategic documents at the national level (Partnership Agreement).
5. European Commission funds: CEF, LIFE, COSME, Horizon Europe, Erasmus +, European Solidarity Corps.
6. Infrastructure, Climate, Environment Fund (FEnIKS), Modern Economy Fund (FENG), Digital Development Fund (FERC), Eastern Poland Fund (FEPW).
7. Social Development Fund 2021-2027 (FERS), Territorial Cooperation Fund Interreg 2021-2027, Food Aid Fund 2021-2027, Regional Funds 2021-2027 (16).
8. Workshops: project financed by the European Union.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Consistent with the program of study:
1) in terms of knowledge: knows the structure and conditions of conducting individual policies in the European Union, the principles of establishing and developing a business in the EU internal market, the functioning of the public and private sectors, distinguishes the types of EU funds, knows the essence and meaning of the classification of territorial units of the European Union (K_W06, K_W09).
2) in terms of skills: is able to observe, interpret, analyze and describe social processes and phenomena, including relationships between phenomena and processes of the political-administrative and socio-economic spheres in the area of funds in the European Union, work in teams, collect data, prioritize them and process and present information , use the acquired knowledge to obtain similar financial resources for EU projects (K_U01, K_U05, K_U08, K_U09, K_U10).
3) in the field of social competences: cooperates in a group by implementing specific projects related to the EU decision-making process, functions effectively on the labor market, undertakes entrepreneurial and creative activities (K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K04).
Assessment criteria
Different and complementary working methods are used during the classes. The final grade is a weighted average of the partial grades (activity, presentation, project, exam):
Scoring and ratings:
1. Presentation.
2. Activity.
3. Project financed by the European Union.
4. Exam - test in the session.
Practical placement
1) Augustyn A., Ostapowicz H. (red.), Fundusze europejskie w polityce spójności, Białystok 2013.
2) Bańka M. S., Gołembski F., Fundusze Unii Europejskiej a rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy, Warszawa 2010.
3) Domiter M., Marciszewska A., Zarządzanie projektami unijnymi. Teoria
i praktyka, Warszawa 2013.
4) Jankowska M., Sokół A., Wicher A. Fundusze Unii Europejskiej dla przedsiębiorców, Warszawa 2010.
5) Komornicki T. (red.), Dubownik A., Rudnicki R., Szyda B., Adamiak C., Kaliński K., Fundusze Unii Europejskiej jako czynnik rozwoju regionalnego, Warszawa 2019.
6) Krasuska M., Fundusze unijne w nowej perspektywie 2014-2020, Warszawa 2014.
7) Laskowska I., Dańska-Borsiak B., Fundusze Unii Europejskiej a atrakcyjność inwestycyjna polskich powiatów: analiza powiązań przestrzennych, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 2019, vol. 5, t. 344, s. 115-136.
8) Miś T., Pamuła T., (red.), Fundusze Unii Europejskiej jako czynnik poprawy konkurencyjności i jakości życia na obszarach wiejskich Podkarpacia, Rzeszów 2016.
9) Nawrat M. A., Grabek N. D., Metodologia zarządzania projektem dofinansowanym z funduszy europejskich, Warszawa 2011.
10) Olejniczak K., Kozak M., Ledzion B., (red.), Teoria i praktyka ewaluacji interwencji publicznych” podręcznik akademicki, Warszawa 2008.
11) Sikora-Gaca M., Kosowska U. (red.), Fundusze europejskie w teorii i praktyce: edukacja, gospodarka, kultura, społeczeństwo, Warszawa 2014.
Term 2023Z:
Lack |
Term 2024Z:
Lack |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: