Non-governmental organizations in the European Union 2105-M-D4OPUE
1) As part of the course, the following problematic issues will be analyzed:
non-governmental organizations in theoretical outline - the essence, specificity, typology of non-governmental organizations (associations, foundations of public benefit organizations - OPP, OPP privileges, OPP obligations), legal basis for the functioning of non-governmental organizations at the national European level, procedure for establishing a non-governmental organization, criteria for establishing an organization, entities authorized to establish an organization, organization members, organization registration - necessary documents and registration procedure, discussion of the organization's statute - adoption of the organization's statute, organization regulations - adoption of organization regulations, decision-making procedure in a non-governmental organization - legal basis, selection of the management board, audit committee, composition of the management board, competences of the organization's organs, defining the general meeting, procedure for selecting members of the organization, external representation of the organization, duration of the term of office of individual organs, reporting the organization's authorities to the National Court Register - KRS, sanctioning the activities of the organization, concluding contracts by the organization, including by an attorney, bookkeeping, records of fixed assets, inventory of the organization's assets, PKD codes - Polish Classification of Activities, KRS - obligations of non-governmental organizations, including OPP - purpose registration in the National Court Register, funds in a non-governmental organization - membership fees, donations, subsidies, 1%, etc., conducting business activities of the organization, taxes and fees of non-governmental organizations, spending funds in the organization, cooperation of non-governmental organizations with public administration (specificity of public administration, the role and principles of cooperation between the organization and the public administration - examples of associations and foundations cooperating with the public administration, defining the purpose of cooperation, cooperation between non-governmental organizations and business, the position of non-governmental organizations in the EU, lobbying non-governmental organizations in Poland and the European Union.
2) Estimated total number of hours that a student must spend to achieve defined for the module learning outcomes:
Participation in classes 30 hours;
Preparation for the course: 30 hours ;
Preparation for Assessment: 15 hours ;
Total: 75 hours.
Term 2024L:
1) As part of the course, the following problematic issues will be analyzed: |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the seminar course, the student:
a) in terms of knowledge: the graduate knows and understands the functioning of non-governmental organizations in the European Union and individual EU member states (K_W07).
b) in terms of skills: the graduate is able to prepare an oral speech in the form of a presentation of a thematic issue and to engage in polemics and defense of his arguments (K_U08). Is able to cooperate collegially in a group by working on projects and conducting workshops (K_U11).
c) in the field of social competences: the graduate is ready to undertake international cooperation in the area of socio-economic activity within non-governmental organizations (K_K01).
Assessment criteria
The final grade is a weighted average of the partial grades in the subject (in order to obtain a final pass, points must be obtained in each slot):
1) Activity during the presentation (0-5 points - 1 point for each class with a thematic presentation: schedule of classes 1-6).
2) Problem paper – preparing and presenting a presentation (0-5 points).
3) Practical classes - establishing an organization: 0-5 points.
4) Practical classes - running an organization: 0-5 points.
Final grade for the course (0-20 points):
19 – 20 very good!
17 – 18 bdb
15 – 16 db +
13 – 14 db
11 – 12 dst +
9 – 10 dst
Practical placement
• Betsill M., M., and Corell E., (red.), NGO diplomacy: the influence of nongovernmental organizations in international environmental negotiations, The MIT Press, cop., Cambridge, London 2008;
• Blicharz J., i Bocia J., Prawna działalność instytucji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, "Kolonia Limited", Wrocław 2009;
• Dobijański M., Bocian B., Rola organizacji pozarządowych w działalności na rzecz praw i wolności człowieka, Wydawnictwo Akademii Podlaskiej, Siedlce 2009;
• Frieske, K., W., Transparentność w działaniach organizacji pożytku publicznego: raport z badań, Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej. Departament Pożytku Publicznego, Warszawa 2010;
• Golinowska S., Głogosz D., (red.). Pozarządowe instytucje społeczne: między państwem a społeczeństwem, IPiSS, Warszawa 1999;
• Kisilowski, M., Prawo sektora pozarządowego: analiza funkcjonalna, LexisNexis Polska, Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna, Warszawa 2009;
• Lewis D., Kanji N., Non-governmental organizations and development, Routledge, London, New York 2009;
• Majer P., Seroka M., Organizacje pozarządowe na rzecz społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2018;
• Makowski G., Koziarek M., (red.), Wymiary użyteczności społecznej: biznes, administracja publiczna i organizacje pozarządowe a społeczeństwo obywatelskie, Fundacja Instytutu Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa 2009;
• Moroń D., Organizacje pozarządowe: fundament społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2012;
• Pieńkowska D., Public relations w organizacjach pozarządowych, BORIS, Warszawa 1997;
• Plichta J., Zadania i funkcje organizacji pozarządowych w realizacji koncepcji dobrego rządzenia, Kapitał Ludzki. Narodowa Strategia Spójności, Europejski Fundusz Społeczny, L&J Techtrading, Ząbki 2009;
• Poławskiego P., (red.), Trzeci sektor: fasady i realia, Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych, Warszawa 2012;
• Schaaf R., Development organizations, Earthscan from Routledge, London, New York 2013;
• Tocci N., The European Union, civil society and conflict, Routledge, London, New York 2011;
• Yaziji M., Doh J., Organizacje pozarządowe a korporacje, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2019.
Akty prawne i dokumenty:
• Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. , Dz. U. Nr 78, poz. 483 z późn. Zm;
• Ustawa z dnia 24 kwietnia 2003 r. o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie, Dz.U. 2003 nr 96 poz. 873;
• Ustawa z dnia 6 kwietnia 1984 r. o fundacjach, Dz.U. 1984 nr 21 poz. 97;
• Ustawa z dnia 7 kwietnia 1989 r. Prawo o stowarzyszeniach, Dz.U. 1989 nr 20 poz. 104;
vUstawa z dnia 7 lipca 2005 roku o działalności lobbingowej w procesie stanowienia prawa, Dz. U. Nr 169, poz. 1414;
• Wersja skonsolidowana Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, Dz. Urz. UE C 83 Tom 53, 30.3.2010;
• Wersja skonsolidowana Traktatu o Unii Europejskiej, Dz. Urz. UE C 83 Tom 53, 30.3.2010.
Term 2024L:
Lack. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: