Dilemmas of cultural identity in the Middle East and Africa 2104-M-D4DTBW-SRG
The course aims to show cultural and national identification as a factor in international relations in the context of the Middle East and Africa; characterizing the specificity of the so-called "Multi-level identity of the Middle East" and determining the impact of cultural and national identifications on socio-political changes in the face of the shaping of a new order in the Middle East and Africa.
The problem of redefining identity or self-awareness of identity is fundamental, in the social and political dimension, for the Middle East. Over the last several years, some explain the dynamics of events in that part of the world, the delayed exit from the colonial system, and the related need to revise state borders and spheres of influence established under the Agreement and the Sykes-Picot. In this post-colonial processual approach, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, followed by the events known as the Arab Spring, the civil war in Syria, the Kurds' independence aspirations, the local-power aspirations of Turkey, the exodus of ethnic and religious minorities, as well as the rise and successes of the Organization of the Islamic State, are interconnecting the stages of creating a post-colonial order in the region.
The program of the seminar included reflections on both the local and international consequences of various manifestations of the Middle East conflict, as well as the long-term processes of building a post-war society, considered in the context of the problem of cultural and national identity indicated in the title of the subject. The cultural and historical determinants of the process of formation of individual, collective identities will be indicated: what determines their specificity concerning other regional and pan-regional identities and what is the influence of the formation of community identities and nation-building processes on stability and democratic processes. The emphasis will be put on the specificity and distinctiveness of societies as factors that are necessarily taken into account in the assessment of social and political processes shaping the contemporary Middle East and Africa. Conflicts in the Middle East and Africa region, for historical reasons, have been perceived as ethnic and religious not only by external observers. Also, the inhabitants of the region themselves mobilize most strongly in the name of ethnic, tribal or religious loyalties, not being aware that these affiliations may be objectively tacted and used for political purposes, and thus have a destructive impact on security and social order. The multi-level identity of the people of the Middle East is not per se the cause of conflicts or even of interpersonal animosities in the region. The real, often unconscious, causes of tensions are economic inequalities, whether in access to resources, or insufficient political representation, or the inability to fulfil themselves. However, it is essential to what extent Middle Eastern societies are aware of these regularities.
During the course, the following problematic issues will be discussed: identity as a factor in international relations, elements of political anthropology; nation, a primordialist and constructivist approach to the nation; from community identity to national identity. The specificity of identity in the Middle East; nations and nationalism in the Middle East and Africa; identity evolution in the Middle East and Africa, from the umma / tribal community to the post-colonial nation-state; the Middle East and Africa in the face of globalization. The indicated issues will be discussed based on examples of specific countries or national communities of particular importance for the dynamics of events in the Middle East region
Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills enabling them to analyze the impact of the so-called "multi-level identity of the Middle East" on the stability of state systems, the perception or misperception of local, regional and global events and processes by Middle Eastern societies, and thus the escalation of tensions in the region.
Approximate, estimated total number of hours that the student must spend on achieving the learning outcomes defined for the subject: 30 (including class participation).
Term 2023L:
None |
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: Remote learning Classroom | General: Classroom |
Learning outcomes
The student percieves the cultural and national identification as a factor in international relations in the region of the Middle East and Africa, has extensive knowledge of the nature and regularity of relations between the states of this area with each other and with the outside world, as well as the problems and conditions of the region's security in the context of identity problems.
has extensive knowledge of the evolution of state systems in the region and the specifics of nation states in the Middle East and Africa.
has expanded knowledge of the importance of an individual belonging to specific groups in the Middle East, such as the family, tribe, religious community, nation, and the importance of loyalty to them in civic life. And political.
has a deep understanding of the importance of an individual's religious identity as a member of the state and society in the Middle East and Africa.
has in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of making political and economic decisions in these structures at the level of the nation state and internationally, especially in the cultural conditions of the Middle East and Africa. He is aware that regional, religious or tribal affiliations, as usually the most important for the inhabitants of the region, may even shape or dominate the politics of a given country thanks to the necessary solidarity, which facilitates the acquisition and preservation of power.
Learning outcomes for the subject (minimum 1)
can use theoretical and factual knowledge in the field of international relations science and related disciplines, e.g. ethnology and political anthropology, for an in-depth analysis of the genesis, course and consequences of specific processes and phenomena related to national identification and cultural valence in the Middle East and Africa, rational and accurate opinions about them
is able to accurately, clearly and coherently express himself orally and in writing on the subject of cultural and national identification as a factor in international relations in the Middle East; prepares extensive written works that meet the basic criteria of a scientific study in the field of specific issues in the field of international relations science and related disciplines, and is able to comprehensively justify his views on identity dilemmas in the Middle East and Africa.
Critically analyzes information, news and media messages about the Middle East and Africa, can interpret them through the prism of identity dilemmas in the region.
Learning outcomes for the subject (minimum 1)
has a deepened awareness of the religious, ethnic and cultural diversity of the Middle East and Africa, pluralism of views on the basic aspects of human life in the world, is able to appreciate their value and show them respect; has the basic skills of dialogue with representatives of other cultures, ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East
is aware of the complexity of identity problems in the Middle East and Africa, including the fact that in the Arab world, successive divisions or, on the contrary, the emergence of nation states rarely disavow previous identities: tribal, ethnic, religious - this is a specific, non-translatable identity of the Middle East East ".
is able to prepare, develop and carry out social projects related to the issues of ethnic and national identity, addressed in particular to the people of the Middle East, taking into account the political, economic and legal conditions of such an action and its social consequences.
in his scientific, journalistic, professional and, in particular, research activity, especially when conducting field research, is characterized by a special cultural sensitivity and ethical principles
S4_W01, S4_W02, S4_W03, S4_W04, S4_W05, S4_W06, S4_W07, S4_U01, S4_U02, S4_U03, S4_U04, S4_U05, S4_U06, S4_U07, S4_K01, S4_K02, S4_K03, S4_K04
Assessment criteria
1.continuous evaluation: ongoing preparation for classes and activity - 50%.
2. substantive evaluation of the case study prepared by the student (topics 3-5) - 50%, optional.
The time for individual or two-person project presentations is 25 minutes, followed by time for additional questions and group discussion. The form and content of the presentation is obligatory, detailed and agreed with the teacher.
Practical placement
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Żródła internetowe:
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Washington Post:
Qatar to Saudi Arabia: Quit trying to overthrow our government
Additional information
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