Processes of political and economic integration in the Latin America region 2104-M-D3PIAL-SRG
Detailed issues:
1. Theoretical introduction to the issues of political and economic integration.
2. Simon Bolivar and the first attempts at integration in the region.
3. Integration projects until 1950.
4. CEPAL and the theoretical foundation of economic integration.
5. Groups of the 1st wave of regionalism (ALALC, ALADI, Pacto Andino, CARIFTA, CARICOM, CACM)
6. Economic and political changes in the region in the 1980s.
7. Second wave of regionalism - characteristics of open regionalism.
8. The groupings of the second wave of regionalism:
8.2. Comunidad Andina.
8.3. North America (NAFTA, FTAA / ALCA)
8.3. Central America and the Caribbean region
9. Contemporary determinants of integration processes (political, economic, social, cultural)
10. Contemporary integration initiatives
10.1. Mercosur
10.2. Alianza del Pacifico
10.3. ALBA
10.4. North America
11. Integration processes and the position and role of Latin America in the world economy and international relations.
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Attendance is obligatory (2 absences are allowed).
Form of getting credit: final test (open and closed questions) (20 points)
You can receive an additional 2 points for activity during classes.
An additional 2 points can be obtained for the presentation during the classes.
Practical placement
Obligatory reading:
Ayuso A., Villar S. (2014), Integration Processes in Latin America, GRC GULF PAPERS, October,
Bianculli A.C. (2020), Politicization and Regional Integration in Latin America: Implications for EU–MERCOSUR Negotiations?, Politics and Governance 8(1):254.
Briceño, J., Vigevani, T. and Mariano, K. (2017). Post-hegemonic regionalism in Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. In: Briceño, J. and Morales, I., ed. Post-Hegemonic Regionalism in the Americas. Toward a Pacific-Atlantic Divide? 1st ed. New York: Routledge, pp. 174-192.
Caichiolo C.R. (2017), The Mercosur Experience and Theories of Regional Integration, Contexto int. 39 (01),
Ffrench-David R., Devlin R. (1999), Toward an Evaluation of Regional Integration in Latin America in the 1990s, World Economy 22(2):261-290.
Krzywicka K. (2006), Ameryka Łacińska między integracją a marginalizacją. w: Gawrycki M. (red.), Ameryka Łacińska we współczesnym świecie, Wyd. UW, Warszawa.
Malamud C. (2015), Regional Integration and Cooperation in Latin America, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 7(2):92-120.
Orłowska R., Żołądkiewicz K. (red.) (2012), Globalizacja i regionalizacja w gospodarce światowej, PWE, Warszawa (rozdziały 1-4, 6, 13).
Vargas-Alzate L.F., (2019), Latin American Integration: The Dilemma, e-IR,
Further reading:
ALADI. (2020). Tendencias del Comercio. Montevideo: ALADI, pp. 1-19. Available at:
Alianza Del Pacífico. (2012). Acuerdo Marco de la Alianza del Pacífico. Available at:
Bolívar, S. (2015), Carta de Jamaica, 1815-2015. Comisión Presidencial para la Conmemoración del Bicentenario de la Carta de Jamaica. Caracas: Colección Unidad Nuestra Americana.
Bożyk P., Misala J. (2004), Integracja ekonomiczna, PWE, Warszawa (rozdziały 1 i 2).
da Motta Veiga P., Rios S.P. (2019), MERCOSUR experience in regional integration: what could Africa learn from it?, CINDES, Policy Center for the New South,
Gawrycki M. (red.) (2007), Procesy integracyjne w Ameryce Łacińskiej, Difin, Warszawa (rozdziały 2-6).
Gocłowska-Bolek J. (2013), Tendencje i procesy integracji latynoamerykańskiej, międzyamerykańskiej i transatlantyckiej, [w:] Dembicz A., Elbanowski A. (red.) Ameryka Łacińska XXI wieku, CESLA UW, Warszawa.
Goncalves J.B. (2020), Mercosur-Pacific Alliance Convergence: Moving Forward or Moving Nowhere?, e-IR,
Haas, E. (1971), The Study of Regional Integration: Reflections on the Joy and Anguish of Pretheorizing, In: Leon N. Lindberg y Stuart A. Scheingold, [eds.], Regional Integration: Theory and Research, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.
Hettne B., Inotai A., Sunkel O. (ed.) (1999), Globalism and the New Regionalism, Macmillan Press, London.
Latoszek E., Proczek M. (red.) (2012), Teoretyczne koncepcje integracji regionalnej a efekty działalności ugrupowań integracyjnych w Ameryce Łacińskiej, Wyd. Elipsa, Warszawa.
Liberska B. (red.) (2002), Globalizacja. Mechanizmy i wyzwania, PWE, Warszawa (rozdział 1, 2 i 4).
Kołodko G. (2008), Wędrujący świat, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa (rozdziały 4 i 5).
McKinney J.A., Gardner H. S. (ed.) (2008), Economic Integration i the Americas, Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, London-New York.
Molano-Cruz, G. (2017), La construcción de un mundo de regiones. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 61, 14-27.
Oziewicz E. (red.) (2006), Przemiany we współczesnej gospodarce światowej, PWE, Warszawa.
Roett R. (ed.) (1999), Mercosur. Regional integration, world markets, Lynne Rienner Publ., Colorado.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: