Common Foreign and Security Policy EU 2104-M-D2WPZB-BSS
1 - 2. The genesis of the political integration of Western European countries
- Attempts to implement the idea of political integration in Western Europe after World War II; political initiatives in Western Europe in the 60s and 70s; idea of the European Union in the 80s
3 - 4. The EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in the primary law of the European Union.
- The provisions on European Political Cooperation (EPC) in the Single European Act; provisions on the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in the Maastricht Treaty on the EU, Amsterdam Treaty on the EU, Nice Treaty on the EU, EU external relations in the TFEU and Lisbon TEU
5. Decision-making mechanism in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU.
- The role of EU institutions in the decision-making process on the CFSP: European Council, Council of the European Union, European Parliament, European Commission; financing of the CFSP; exceptions to the unanimity rule in the CFSP decision-making process; enhanced cooperation mechanism under the CFSP; the role of the European Commission within the external relations of the EU; role of the European External Action Service.
6. EU Diplomacy Instruments.
- Characteristics of EU’s diplomacy instruments and their typical forms of implemetation: common actions, common positions, common strategies and informal measures of influence under the EU CFSP; international agreements concluded in this area; other EU instruments in the area of the external relations of the EU.
7. The role of the Western European Union in shaping the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy
- The evolution of the role of the WEU in shaping the CFSP; discussion between WEU, EU and NATO on WEU relations with the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance; the main controversies among EU member states over the development of the EU's common security policy; the main provisions of the Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice treaties on the role of the WEU in shaping the EU CFSP.
8. The evolution of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy after 1998.
- Main reasons for the transformation of the CFSP after the Kosovo crisis; development of the Common Security and Defense Policy within the framework of the CFSP; characteristics of EU anti-crisis operations. Provisions of the Lisbon Treaty in relation to CSDP issues, EU-NATO relations in the context of the development of ESDP / CSDP.
9. Assumptions and implementation of EU external relations towards Central European countries.
- Characteristics of the main assumptions of the EU cooperation with the countries of Central Europe in the field of CFSP in the pre-accession period and after the accession to the EU; the main forms of EU cooperation with the countries of Central Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia); assessment of the effectiveness of cooperation.
10. Assumptions and implementation of the EU's external relations towards the countries of Eastern Europe.
- Characteristics of the main assumptions of EU cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe; The main forms of EU cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova); assessment of the effectiveness of cooperation, Eastern Partnership Program.
11. Assumptions and implementation of EU’s external relations towards the countries and problems of Southeast Europe.
- Characteristics of the main forms of EU involvement during the war in the former Yugoslavia and during the conflict in Kosovo. Stabilization and Association Process; EU policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania.
12. Assumptions and implementation of the EU's external relations in Mediterranean region.
- CFSP towards the Middle East conflict; Euro-Mediterranean partnership; the Turkish issue; analysis of the main problems of EU cooperation with the Mediterranean countries ; EU relations with selected countries of the region; The EU towards the events of the Arab Spring; The EU and the war in Syria.
13. Characteristics of transatlantic relations.
- Legal and institutional basis for the development of transatlantic relations after the end of the Cold War. Evolution of transatlantic relations: EU-NATO relations, EU-US relations, EU-Canada relation., Main problems in transatlantic relations.
14. Assumptions and implementation of EU’s external relations towards other non-European problems.
- Characteristics of the main premises and forms of EU involvement in matters relating to the EU external relations in African countries; EU cooperation with the countries and main structures of cooperation in Central and South America.
Term 2023L:
1 - 2. The genesis of the political integration of Western European countries 3 - 4. The EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in the primary law of the European Union. 5. Decision-making mechanism in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. 9. Assumptions and implementation of EU external relations towards Central European countries. 10. Assumptions and implementation of the EU's external relations towards the countries of Eastern Europe. |
Term 2024L:
1 - 2. The genesis of the political integration of Western European countries 3 - 4. The EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in the primary law of the European Union. 5. Decision-making mechanism in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. 9. Assumptions and implementation of EU external relations towards Central European countries. 10. Assumptions and implementation of the EU's external relations towards the countries of Eastern Europe. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student acquires knowledge about: the genesis of political integration in Western Europe, treaty regulations, instruments and decision-making mechanism in this field as well as the main geographic and thematic directions of the implementation of the EU CFSP.
The student is able to characterize the institutional structure and competences of individual institutions in this area, analyze the decision-making mechanism in the field of EU external relations and characterize main geographic directions and thematic scopes of implementation of the EU CFSP.
The student is ready to express himself professionally on the essence, foundations and implementation of the EU diplomacy and to critically analyze the processes occurring within it.
S1_W01, S1_W02, S1_W03, S1_W07, S1_U01, S1_U02, S1_U03, S1_U05, S1_U06, S1_U07, S1_K01, S1_K02
Assessment criteria
Activity in class, written pass of the basic module, presentation of the paper during classes.
Practical placement
Literatura podstawowa:
1. J. Barcz (red.), Prawo Unii Europejskiej. Prawo materialne i polityki, Warszawa 2006 i nast.;
2. J. Barcz, Ustrój Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2009 i nast.
3. S. Parzymies (red.), Dyplomacja czy siła? Unia Europejska w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Warszawa 2009.
4. J. Starzyk-Sulejewska, Wspólna Polityka Zagraniczna i Bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2001 oraz wydanie drugie uzupełnione Warszawa 2003;
5. J. Zajączkowski, Unia Europejska w stosunkach międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2005;
6. R. Zięba, Unia Europejska jako aktor stosunków międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2003;
7. R. Zięba, Wspólna Polityka Zagraniczna i Bezpieczeństwa UE, Warszawa 2007;
8. N. Casarini, C. Musu (ed.) European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System. The Road Towards Convergence, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills and New York 2007;
9. S. Gareis, G. Hauser, F. Kernic (eds.), The European Union – A global Actor?, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Olden-Berlin-Toronto 2013;
10. C. Carta, The European Union Diplomatic Service. Ideas, Preferences and Identities, Routledge, London and New York 2012;
11. S. Biscop, R. G. Whitman, The Routledge Handbook of European Security, Routledge, London and New York 2013.
12. S. Keukeleire, T. Delreux, The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Basingstoke, New York, Palgavre Macmillan 2014;
13. P. Kautrakos, The Common Security and Defence Policy, Oxford, University Press 2013.
14. M. Telo,F. Ponjaert, The EU’s Foreign Policy. What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action, Ashgate, London 2013.
15. N. Chelotti, The Formulation of EU Foreign Policy: Socialization, Negotiations and Disaggregation of the State, Routledge , London and New York 2016.
Term 2023L:
Literatura podstawowa: |
Term 2024L:
Literatura podstawowa: |
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