Political History of Poland in the 20-th Century 2104-L-D1HPXX
1. The Struggle for Poland, 1918-1921. Poland and its Neighbors, 1918-1921.
2.The Rebirth of the Polish State 1914-1918. Twenty Years of Independence (1918-1939). Domestic Politics. Concept of Dmowski and Piłsudski).
3. Polish foreign Policy 1918-1839
4. Poland in the Second World War (1939-1945). Captivity and Struggle. The Underground State: Politicians and Politics. The Warsaw Uprising and the Road to Defeat.
5. The New Reality: Communists Establish a Base Camp (PKWN, Provisional Government, Provisional Government, of National Unity).
6. Polish foreign Policy-Moscow’s direct sphere of influence.
7.Polish Stalinism
-the Stalinist system
- the Cominform and the new Course. Cold War: the first Skirmishes.
-Agriculture: absolute priority to forced collectivization.
-cultural revolution
8. The crisis of 1956 (Polish “spring” in October and Polish “national communism”). France towards the Polish October.
9. Poland of Gomułka- the Polish Road to Socialism
-the “Destalinization”
-“polish” foreign policy – international disarmament-and so-called Rapacki Plan (polish plan for creating a nuclear – free zone on the territories of Poland, czechoslovakia, and two German Republics) and the gomulka Plan.
-the visit of general de Gaulle (in september 1967)
- the Domestic Politics –Poland’s fundamental economic malaise
10. Poland of Gierek:
-Real socialism: “La Belle Epoque”. The strategy of accelerated development. Vision of “consumer socialism”.
-the Leading force.
--“polish” foreign policy” –between Helsinki and Kabul
-the german “problem” in polish-french relations in the period of Georges pompidou and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.
- “behind the facade” KOR, ROPCiO, KPN
11. A hot Summer 1980 and Poland of the Solidarity. The first hundred days.
12. The Martial Law in Poland. The long March- War and Peace.
13. Poland in 80.
14.The Round Table. Poland after communism.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of history of Poland in the XX century
Learning outcomes:
K_W01; K_W03; K_U01; K_U02; K_K02
Assessment criteria
Attendance, activity and examination
M. Kornat, Polityka równowagi 1934-1939. Polska między Wschodem a Zachodem, Kraków 2007; A. Paczkowski, Pół wieku dziejów Polski 1939-1989, Warszawa 1995; K. Kersten, Między wyzwoleniem a zniewoleniem. Polska 1944-1956, Londyn 1993; T. Kisielewski, Październik 1956. Punkt odniesienia. Mozaika faktów i poglądów. Impresje historyczne, Warszawa 200; M. Pasztor, Między Paryżem, Warszawą i Moskwą. Stosunki polsko-francuskie w latach 1954-1969, Toruń 2003; D. Jarosz, M. Pasztor, Afera mięsna. Fakty konteksty, Toruń 2004; D. Jarosz, Polacy a stalinizm 1948-1956, Warszawa 2000; M. Pasztor, Kwestia niemiecka w stosunkach polsko-francuskich w okresie prezydentury V. Giscarda d’Estaing, „Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny” 2006, nr 6 (34), s. 135-159; eadem, Francja i wielka Brytania wobec polskiej granicy zachodniej na Odrze i Nysie Łużyckiej w latach 1958-1967, „studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 2003, t. XXXVIII, s. 147-182.; J. Eisler, Grudzień 1970; idem, Zarys dziejów politycznych Polski 1944-1989, Warszawa 1992; idem, Marzec 1968, Warszawa 2008; A. Friszke, Anatomia buntu. Kuroń, Modzelewski i komandosi, Warszawa 2010.
Additional information
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