(in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie 2103-ORP-M-D2SEMA
During the master's seminar, all participants are required to present and discuss the initial concept of the entire master's thesis and - in stages - the subsequent parts of the thesis, and to prepare and submit the final version of the thesis for approval. The basis of the seminar work is the consultation with the thesis supervisor and the discussion of the participants. This requires the student's ongoing participation in the seminars.
The first semester seminar covers the following.
- Principles of scientific writing; the importance of protecting intellectual property.
- Selection of a research topic.
- Searching for sources.
- Methodological assumptions and plan of own research.
- The importance of applied dissertations.
The second semester seminar includes the following:
- Principles of scientific writing; importance of protecting intellectual property.
- Design of an own research project: based on quantitative or qualitative, found or self-generated data.
- Implementation of own research.
The third semester seminar includes the following elements:
- Principles of scientific writing; the importance of protecting intellectual property.
- Implementation of the self-study.
- Analysis of the collected empirical material in the light of selected theory.
- Preparation of the thesis.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: obligatory courses Master's seminars | General: Master's seminars obligatory courses | Term 2024L: Master's seminars obligatory courses |
Learning outcomes
Student knows and understands the importance of intellectual and industrial property protection in the field of labour and industrial relations, especially in relation to the development of scientific research work (K_W10)
Students are able to design, plan and carry out social research in the field of labour and industrial relations for the purposes of scientific-research work, including formulating and testing hypotheses related to the research problems, using selected research approaches and applying advanced quantitative or qualitative social research methods and techniques, including statistical methods, as well as advanced information and communication techniques (K_U03)
The student is able to effectively present orally and in writing the results of his/her own research and analyses conducted for the master's thesis, taking into account various groups of recipients, i.e. labour market specialists, participants of the master's seminar, as well as other labour market stakeholders (K_U04);
The student is able to effectively perform in public, especially when presenting the results of own research and analyses carried out for the master's thesis (K_U07)
The student is ready to take into account in his professional work the principle of priority of scientific knowledge in solving problems, critical assessment of possessed knowledge and received contents from the scope of labour and industrial relations, as well as conscious and responsible use of expert knowledge, as he/she has constantly deepened such ability during participation in the master's seminar and while preparing the master's thesis (K_K01)
The student is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner, including fulfilling social obligations, inspiring, initiating and organising activities for the benefit of the social environment, as he/she has deepened such ability while planning and implementing the empirical research for the master's thesis, including contacting various persons and entities related to the labour market. The student perceives the applied significance of his/her research carried out for the purposes of the master's thesis and recommendations formulated on their basis (K_K02)
The student is ready to act responsibly and ethically as a researcher and expert on the labour market, with care for the development of his/her research output and the principles of research and professional ethics, and understands the importance of further professional development (K_K03)
Assessment criteria
A requirement for passing the seminar and for being allowed to take the Master's examination is the preparation of an independent work according to the detailed guidelines. A requirement for passing is also participation in seminars directed to the whole group (two absences possible) and individual seminars (consultations) to discuss the progress of the thesis.
In order to pass the first semester of the seminar, the student is required to select the topic of the thesis, carry out a search for sources, develop the concept of the thesis, including its outline and methodological assumptions for the own research, and begin work on the erudite part of the thesis.
The credit for the second semester of the seminar requires the submission of the erudite part of the thesis (chapter), the development of the design of the own research and the implementation of the own research.
Requirement for the third (final) semester is based on the completed own study, the analysis of the empirical material carried out and the acceptance by the supervisor of the entire thesis..
Babbie E., Badania społeczne w praktyce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2005 (i wydania późniejsze)
Firlit-Fesnak G., Męcina J.. (red.), Polityka społeczna (podręcznik akademicki, nowe wydanie) PWN, Warszawa 2018.
Łotocki Ł., Metodologia badań rynku pracy. Kilka praktycznych wskazówek, w: Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, Nr 4/2011, s. 7-9, https://obserwatorium.mazowsze.pl/pliki/files/morp%204(1).pdf
Frankfort-Nachmias Ch., Nachmias D., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Zysk –i Ska Wydawnictwo, Poznań 2001 (i wydania późniejsze)
Rysz-Kowalczyk B. (red), Leksykon Polityki Społecznej, Warszawa 2001,
Silverman D., Prowadzenie badań jakościowych, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2007.
Sułek A., Ogród metodologii socjologicznej, Scholar, Warszawa 2002.
Sztumski J. , Wstęp do metod i technik badań społecznych, PWN, Warszaw 1984.
Szatur-Jaworska B., Diagnozowanie w polityce społecznej, IPS, Aspra-JR, Warszawa,2003,
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: