Disfavoured groups on the labour market 2103-ORP-L-D3GDRP
Scope of the subject
1. introduction to the subject; discussion of the course syllabus, principles of active participation of students, characteristics of the literature on the subject.
2. Structural foundations of post-industrial employment; determinants of changes and features of the modern labor market from a global, regional and national perspective. Labor deficit and the options for the development of the social order of modern democracies: from equality and full employment towards social polarization and the dominance of the social question? Features of labor “in the hinterland” of the knowledge economy and their impact on marginalization and exclusion from the labor market.
3. Possibilities of other options for the development of the economic and social order of the modern world: Homo Faber does not have to be a thing of the past - shortening working hours, guaranteed income; opportunities and barriers.
4. Statistical image of the status of youth in the Polish labor market; employment and working conditions, unemployment, professional inactivity (NEET generation) in European comparison.
5. Structural determinants of the difficult entry of youth into the labor market; education, economic policy, social policy, labor market policy, migration policy.
6. Instruments to strengthen the young generation's access to work; youth guarantees, education reform, reduction of the informal employment sector, return to the “good job” paradigm
7. gender and family situation as a factor in differentiating the status of men and women in the labor market. Normative equality and unequal opportunities, gender equality and equal treatment in the conditions of the post-industrial labor market. Family factors limiting access to work and the sustainability of women's employment - categorization of groups of women particularly experiencing difficulties in the labor market.
8. labor force participation and inactivity, segmentation of the labor market by gender, discrimination - scale and symptoms. Instruments for equalization of opportunities for women and men in the Polish labor market; education, family policy, compliance with the law, good practices.
9. On the importance of the 50+ population for the labor market; demography, macro and microeconomics, social integration.
10. Status of the 50+ generation in the Polish labor market; employment and unemployment of 50+ by age, gender, education, region, inactivity. Comparative analysis with the situation of the 50+ population in the European labor markets. Factors strengthening the integration of people 50+: experience of European and Asian countries and Poland.
11. On the importance of professional work in the process of rehabilitation of disabled people: Disability, definitions and types of disability. Values determining the rights of people with disabilities - people with disabilities in the system of human rights. The right to work in the documents of the UN, the Council of Europe, the European Union.
12. Disabled people on the Polish labor market. Factors determining professional activity of persons with disabilities. Basic models of employment of the disabled. Employment of people with disabilities in the open and sheltered labor market. Disabled people in a particularly difficult situation on the Polish labor market: young disabled and intellectually disabled people and people with multiple disabilities in Poland - special instruments supporting their professional activation.
13. Work as an instrument of social integration for ex-prisoners, homeless people and people in the process of addiction treatment. Statistical image of this collective and factors hindering employment in the open labor market. Social economy as an area of professional activation of marginalized and excluded people; basic concepts and types of social economic activity.
14. Analysis of projects implemented in the “social economy” for social integration and employment of marginalized and socially excluded people - good practices, opportunities and barriers.
15. credit
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
Course program: Module II. Characteristics of the status of selected disadvantaged groups in the Polish labor market and the policy of their professional activation 13 The labor state, the state of the social contract, the economics of cooperation - about different concepts of mitigating the old conflict between capital and labor: Systemic and individual strategies of action in labor market integration policy. The right to professional work, coercion or choice of professional work? On different concepts of the utility of human labor in the future scenario of market economics and public utility economics. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
The classes will serve the following learning outcomes specified in the study program:
K_W01 - the student knows and understands the specificity of political science and administration in comparison with other sciences, as well as the place of labor science within the social sciences.
K_W05 - the student knows and understands in practice the tools for obtaining data on the social ties, norms and rules produced in the labor context, as well as the institutions, structures and organizations created by them.
K_U01 - the student is able to use for practical purposes the knowledge of labor sciences to analyze and interpret social processes and phenomena occurring in the area of labor and the labor market.
K_U02 - the student is able to use the acquired knowledge of labor sciences to indicate the reasons for the occurrence and course of social processes and phenomena occurring in the labor area and labor market.
K_U03 - the student is able to use knowledge and analytical tools to forecast the practical consequences of the transformations taking place in the labor area, including the selection and application of advanced information and communication techniques.
K_W08 - the student knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing the course:
1. attendance and substantive preparation for classes
2. active participation in classes
3) preparation of a mini thematic presentation
4) Passing the oral test of knowledge
Practical placement
There isn't
LIteratura podstawowa:
1. Anioł W. Kontrowersje wokół koncepcji „państwa pracy”, w: Polityka społeczna. Podręcznik akademicki, G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Męcina (red). II wydanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.
2.. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa i jej wpływ na rynek pracy, PARPA, 2020, Warszawa
3 Firlit-Fesnak G., Praca ludzka. Stare i nowe konteksty dyskursu o pracy, w: Polityka społeczna, G. Firlit-Fesanak, J. Męcina (red.) Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018
4. Firlit-Fesnak, Równe traktowanie i polityka antydyskryminacyjna, w: Współczesne społeczne wyzwania dla świata i Polski, WNPiSM, Warszawa 2021.
5. Kryk B, Czy gwarancja dla młodzieży i inicjatywy na rzecz zatrudnienia ludzi młodych mogą stanowić remedium na bezrobocie? [w:] Pancer-Cybulska E., Biegun K. (red.), Czym żyje Unia Europejska? Wybór zagadnień, Wydawnictwo UE we Wrocławiu, 2018, s. 167-192.
6. Posłuszny, L., Karolak, M.P., Kubicki, P., Stąpając po niepewnym gruncie. Prekaryjność i bezrobocie…. Studia socjologiczne 2021, nr. 1
7. Niewiadomska A., Prekariat na polskim rynku pracy próba identyfikacji zjawiska, Gospodarka w Praktyce i Teorii, 2017 nr 2 (47), s. 58-76.
8. Szarfenberg, R., Ubóstwo, marginalność i wykluczenie społeczne, w: Polityka społeczna, G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Męcina (red.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.
9. Standing G., Prekariat. Nowa niebezpieczna klasa. Warszawa 2014.
10. Turek, K., Znaczenie wieku na rynku pracy – model relacji między pracownikiem pracodawcą, Studia Socjologiczne nr 2, 2015
Akty normatywne i dokumenty:
Decent work agenda, ILO 1999, http://ww.ilo.org/global;/about-the-ilo/decent-work-agend/ang-de/index.htm
Komunikat Komisji Europejskiej: Wniosek zalecenie Rady w sprawie ustanowienia Gwarancji dla młodzieży, COM (2012)729 final
Zalecenie Komisji z dnia 3 października 2008 r. w sprawie aktywnej integracji osób wykluczonych z rynku pracy, C/2008/5737, DZ.U. UE L 307/11
Plan realizacji Gwarancji dla młodzieży w Polsce, Warszawa 2013
Ustawa o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy
Ustawa o zatrudnieniu i rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych
Ustawa o zatrudnieniu socjalnym
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
Bibliografia: Program na rzecz nowych umiejętności i zatrudnienia – strategia Europa 2020 |
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
Conditions for passing the course |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: