Introduction to social research 2103-ORP-L-D1WDBS
he course indludes such issues as: basic conceptual categories in social research methodology, planning and implementation of the research process - from concept to research report; formulation of research questions and hypotheses, selection of research methods and techniques taking into account the differences between quantitative and qualitative techniques, construction of research tools, measurement, principles of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, principles concerning the preparation of the research report and related studies - in accordance with the principles of scientific research and respect for the law, including copyright.
Term 2023Z:
Detailed course programme: 1 Introduction. specificity of social science and social research. 2. Principles of social research. Methodology, scientific method. The concept of method in social sciences. Research methods and techniques. The role of theory in social research. Types of social research. Ethics of a researcher. 3.The research process in the social sciences step by step. Developing a research plan. 4. Conceptualisation, formulation of research objectives, research questions and hypotheses (research problem) 5. Operationalisation of concepts and measurement, formulation of operational definitions, the concept of indicators in social research, typology of research techniques, sampling, the concept of coding 6. Non-reactive research. Desk research, document analysis, content analysis 7. Quantitative research techniques - survey, questionnaire interview 8. Qualitative research techniques - individual in-depth interview (IDI) 9. Qualitative research techniques - focus group interview (FGI) 10. Ethnographic research. The method of observation in social research 11. Method of discourse analysis in social research 12. Evaluation research 13. Principles of data development and analysis. Conclusions from qualitative and quantitative research. Principles of preparing a research report and other author's studies. Copyright. |
Term 2024Z:
Detailed course programme: NOTE: It may take more than a single class to discuss a more central issue. On the other hand, an issue beyond the strict basics of social research may be discussed in a more synthetic (signal) form when discussing another specific issue. Information in this regard will be provided to students on an ongoing basis well in advance. During the semester, it is also possible to supplement the reading list for individual classes (issues) with other items or other ongoing changes in this regard. Details in this regard will also be announced to students on an ongoing basis well in advance. 1 Introduction. specificity of social science and social research. 2. Principles of social research. Methodology, scientific method. The concept of method in social sciences. Research methods and techniques. The role of theory in social research. Types of social research. Ethics of a researcher. 3.The research process in the social sciences step by step. Developing a research plan. 4. Conceptualisation, formulation of research objectives, research questions and hypotheses (research problem) 5. Operationalisation of concepts and measurement, formulation of operational definitions, the concept of indicators in social research, typology of research techniques, sampling, the concept of coding 6. Non-reactive research. Desk research, document analysis, content analysis 7. Quantitative research techniques - survey, questionnaire interview 8. Qualitative research techniques - individual in-depth interview (IDI) 9. Qualitative research techniques - focus group interview (FGI) 10. Ethnographic research. The method of observation in social research 11. Method of discourse analysis in social research 12. Evaluation research 13. Principles of data development and analysis. Conclusions from qualitative and quantitative research. Principles of preparing a research report and other author's studies. Copyright. |
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
After completion of the course, students:
- know and understand the basic categories and concepts of social research methodology;
- know the basic procedures of social research methodology;
- know the most important methods and techniques of social research;
- plan the research process correctly;
- adequately select research methods and techniques;
- construct research tools correctly
- know the principles of developing a research report.
The classes will serve the realization of the following learning outcomes specified in the study programme:
K_W01 - the student knows and understands the specificity of political science and administration in comparison with other sciences and the place of labour sciences within social sciences.
K_W05 - the student knows and understands in practice the tools for obtaining data on social ties, norms and rules produced in the context of work, as well as the institutions, structures and organisations created by them.
K_U01 - the student is able to use for practical purposes the knowledge of labour sciences to analyse and interpret social processes and phenomena taking place in the area of labour and labour market.
K_U02 - the student is able to use the acquired knowledge of labour sciences to indicate the reasons for the occurrence and course of social processes and phenomena taking place in the labour area and on the labour market.
K_U03 - the student is able to use the knowledge and analytical tools to forecast practical consequences of changes taking place in the labour area, including selection and application of advanced information and communication techniques.
K_W08 - the student knows and understands basic terms and principles of industrial property and copyright protection.
Assessment criteria
- attendance in class and preparation for class;
- participation in class discussions and workshop exercises;
- preparation of a mini-project in a team;
- passing an exam.
More than 2 absences require credit on the instructor's duty within two weeks of the absence. In the case of absence in more than 4 classes the student is not graded in the course. Failure to pass the third or fourth absence also results in failing the course.
Practical placement
Babbie E. (2005), Badanie społeczne w praktyce, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Nachmias D. (2001), Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka.
Term 2023Z:
Babbie E., Badania społeczne w praktyce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2005 (i wydania późniejsze). Frankfort-Nachmias Ch., Nachmias D., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Zysk –i Ska Wydawnictwo, Poznań 2001 (i wydania późniejsze). Kołomańska M., Dać ludziom głos. Rzecz o badaniach sondażowych [Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, nr 2 2013 r.(VII)] (s. 13-15); Kołomańska M., Po drugiej stronie lustra. O metodzie fokusowej w badaniach marketingowych [Mazowiecki Rynek Pracy, nr NUMER 1 (51) 2013 rok (X)].(s. 12-13); Kołomańska M., Policzyć nie znaczy poznać. Metoda autobiograficzna w badaniach bezrobocia [Mazowiecki Rynek Pracy, NUMER 2 (46) 2012 rok (IX)] (s. 10-11); Kołomańska M., Pytać, słuchać, myśleć. Indywidualne wywiady pogłębione jako przykład metody jakościowej [Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, nr 1 2013 r.(VI)] (s. 11-12); Łotocki Ł., Zogniskowane wywiady grupowe jako metoda badawcza w polityce społecznej na przykładzie badań nad migracjami międzynarodowymi, w: Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i dyskusje, 2005 r., Nr 8; Łotocki Ł., Kryzys imigracyjny w Europie w polskim dyskursie publicznym w latach 2015-2018, Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, Warszawa 2019, rozdz. 1. Analiza dyskursu publicznego - założenia metodologiczne (s. 46-61), rozdz. 1.7. Strategie dyskursywne w dyskursie publicznym (s. 81-95). Łotocki Ł., Metodologia badań rynku pracy. Kilka praktycznych wskazówek, w: Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, Nr 4/2011, s. 7-9; Łotocki Ł., O mediach elektronicznych i metodologii ich badania, [w:] G. Firlit-Fesnak, Ł. Łotocki (red.), Imigranci w polskim dyskursie publicznym, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2014, (s. 151-160). Mayntz R., Holm K., Hübner P., Wprowadzenie do metod socjologii empirycznej, PWN, Warszawa 1985. |
Term 2024Z:
Babbie E., Badania społeczne w praktyce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2005 (i wydania późniejsze). Frankfort-Nachmias Ch., Nachmias D., Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Zysk –i Ska Wydawnictwo, Poznań 2001 (i wydania późniejsze). Kołomańska M., Dać ludziom głos. Rzecz o badaniach sondażowych [Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, nr 2 2013 r.(VII)] (s. 13-15); Kołomańska M., Po drugiej stronie lustra. O metodzie fokusowej w badaniach marketingowych [Mazowiecki Rynek Pracy, nr NUMER 1 (51) 2013 rok (X)].(s. 12-13); Kołomańska M., Policzyć nie znaczy poznać. Metoda autobiograficzna w badaniach bezrobocia [Mazowiecki Rynek Pracy, NUMER 2 (46) 2012 rok (IX)] (s. 10-11); Kołomańska M., Pytać, słuchać, myśleć. Indywidualne wywiady pogłębione jako przykład metody jakościowej [Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, nr 1 2013 r.(VI)] (s. 11-12); Łotocki Ł., Zogniskowane wywiady grupowe jako metoda badawcza w polityce społecznej na przykładzie badań nad migracjami międzynarodowymi, w: Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i dyskusje, 2005 r., Nr 8; Łotocki Ł., Kryzys imigracyjny w Europie w polskim dyskursie publicznym w latach 2015-2018, Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, Warszawa 2019, rozdz. 1. Analiza dyskursu publicznego - założenia metodologiczne (s. 46-61), rozdz. 1.7. Strategie dyskursywne w dyskursie publicznym (s. 81-95). Łotocki Ł., Metodologia badań rynku pracy. Kilka praktycznych wskazówek, w: Biuletyn Mazowieckiego Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy, Nr 4/2011, s. 7-9; Łotocki Ł., O mediach elektronicznych i metodologii ich badania, [w:] G. Firlit-Fesnak, Ł. Łotocki (red.), Imigranci w polskim dyskursie publicznym, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2014, (s. 151-160). Mayntz R., Holm K., Hübner P., Wprowadzenie do metod socjologii empirycznej, PWN, Warszawa 1985. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: