Employment and labor market policy 2103-L-D6PZRP
The class is designed to impart knowledge and develop skills to understand and explain reality within such issues:
1.Employment policy vs. labour market policy:
basic concepts, objectives, instruments, employment and labour market theories
2.Changing situation on the Polish labour market after the system transformation
level and structure of employment and unemployment, changes in labour market segments
3.Monitoring of labour market changes
basic data sources, the role of the CSO and EUROSTAT as well as research centres, inference
4 Unemployment as a social issue
social and economic effects of unemployment and forms of counteracting unemployment and its consequences
Situation on the Polish labour market in comparison with other EU and OECD member states
statistical data, reasons for differences, future prospects
6 European Employment Strategy
the role of the EU in the implementation of employment and labour market policy
7. employment and labour market policy - legal foundations
review of basic legislation constituting employment and labour market policy conducted in Poland
8.Social security system for the unemployed
unemployment benefits, other social benefits for the unemployed
9. Active employment and labour market policy
forms, principles, effects, advantages and disadvantages
10. employment and labour market policy in periods of crisis - between job protection and structural change
actions of public institutions during periods of crisis, particularly in 2007-2009 and 2019-2020
11. flexicurity as a model for employment and labour market policies
combining the principles of security and flexibility in the labour market as an attempt to effectively implement labour market employment policy
12. immigration policy as an element of employment and labour market policy
immigration to Poland as a complement to labour market shortages
13. demographic challenges as an element of creating and forecasting changes on the labour market
demographic situation, demographic forecasts, links between demography and the labour market
14. labour market in the 21st century
projections of changes on the labour market
15. summary of classes
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
At the end of the seminar the student:
Knowledge (K_W) the student knows and understands:
K-W01 The most important concepts and main institutions in the field of employment and labour market policy
K-W02 Fundamental theories governing processes on the labour market
K-W03 Results of recent research on labour market
K-W04 Rules of gainful activity on the labour market
K-W05 Comparative knowledge on particular models of employment and labour market policies
Skills (K_U) student is able to:
K-U01 Use categories organizing knowledge in the field of employment and labour market policy
K-U02 Analyse the influence of various conditions on decisions taken in the field of employment and labour market policy and on the shape of its institutions;
K-U03 Predict to a basic extent the directions of evolution of professions
K-U04 Interpret basic results of empirical research in the field of labour market
Competences (K_K) the student is ready to:
K-K01 Interact in a group in order to draw conclusions from empirical research
K-K02 function effectively on the labour market
K-K03 To undertake cooperation with other employees on the labour market.
Assessment criteria
EP + others
- two mid-term examinations on the topics covered in class and on the readings announced one week beforehand
- active participation in classes
- EP - a test to sum up the knowledge gained in class
The final mark is 50% of the partial tests and 50% of the summative test.
Practical placement
Not applicable
Labour Force Survey Reports, CSO
Employment in Europe, Eurostat
Duszczyk M Poland under Economic Crisis Conditions, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 2016
Górniak J. Polski rynek pracy – wyzwania i kierunki działań na podstawie badań Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego 2010–2015, Kraków-Warszawa 2015
Lewandowski P, Park A, Schotte S. Globalna alokacja pracy rutynowej i nierutynowej, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych
Rynek pracy, edukacja, kompetencje, PARP 2020
Lewandowski P. Ekspozycja na zarażenie w pracy a rozprzestrzenianie się COVID-19 w Europie, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych
Frączka M. Polityka rynku pracy. Teoria i praktyka, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
Kryńska E. Mobilność Zasobów Pracy, IPiSS 2000
Boeri T, van Ours J. Ekonomia Niedoskonałych Rynków Pracy, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer 2011
Przyszłość pracy, Polityka Społeczna, Listopad-Grudzień 2020
Okólski M, Fihel A. "Demografia. Współczesne zjawiska i teorie". Rozdział V
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: