European law 2102-M-Z1PREU
Introductory issues
1. Legal structure of the European Union.
2. Intergovernmentalism and supranationalism in the European Union.
3. Legal personality of the European Union.
4. Membership in the European Communities and the European Union.
5. Fundamental values and rights in the European Union (Article 2 TEU, Article 6 TEU, CFR).
6. Rights arising from citizenship of the European Union (Articles 18-25 TFEU).
7. Exclusive, shared and other competences of the European Union (Articles 2-6 TFEU).
Sources of law
8. Primary written law.
9. Unwritten primary law.
10. Internal secondary law.
11. External secondary law
12. Features of the regulation (addressee, validity, levels of legislation).
13. Features of the directive (addressee, validity, levels of legislation).
14. Features of the decision (addressee, validity, levels of legislation).
15. Features of recommendations and opinions (addressee, validity, levels of legislation).
16. Publication and notification of acts of secondary law (Article 297 TFEU).
17. Hierarchy of acts of secondary law (Articles 289-291 TFEU).
Basic decision-making procedures
18. Accession to the European Union (Article 49 TEU).
19. Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50 TEU).
20. Suspension of a Member State in certain rights (Article 7 TEU).
21. The principle of subsidiarity.
22. Principle of conferral.
23. Principle of proportionality.
24. Procedures for amending treaties (Article 48 TEU).
25. Ordinary legislative procedure (Article 294 TFEU) and special legislative procedure.
Protection of the law
26. Phases of proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
27. Possibility to appeal against judgments of the Court of Justice.
28. Possibility to appeal against decisions of the Court and specialized courts.
29. Standing in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
30. Action for infringement of the Treaty (Articles 258-259 TFEU)
31. Action for annulment (Article 263 TFEU).
32. Action for negligence (Article 265 TFEU).
33. Action for damages (Article 268 TFEU).
34. Preliminary ruling (Article 267 TFEU).
European Union law and national law
35. Principle of primacy of European Union law.
36. Judgment in the van Gend case.
37. Costa judgment.
38. Judgment in the case of Internationale Handelsgesellschaft.
39. Constitutional jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany: Solange, Maastricht, Lisbon cases.
40. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland and membership in the European Union (Articles 90-91 of the Constitution).
Term 2023Z:
None |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W03 – The student knows and understands forms of participation in social life regarding EU law, including judicial and extrajudicial procedures for the protection of rights under European law.
K_W05 – The student knows the structure of EU law and the principles of judicial and extrajudicial law protection institutions at the EU level and understands the changes taking place therein.
K_W06 – The student knows and understands the principles of functioning of political organizations and institutions, drawing examples from the functioning of the EU legal system and the jurisprudence of EU courts regarding the application of European law.
K_U07 – The student is able to collect, hierarchize, process and analyze legal information and use complaint procedures to protect individual rights against abuses by the state and EU institutions, included in European law.
K_K02 – The student is ready to set priorities for the implementation of tasks related to EU law defined by himself and others, and appreciates the role of EU law in empowerment and is ready to use knowledge of European law to achieve professional goals.
K_K03 – The student is ready to represent the interests of social groups and activate individuals in the field of protection of their rights - in the field of EU law.
Assessment criteria
Oral exam - 3 questions.
Practical placement
1) Prawo instytucjonalne Unii Europejskiej, red. M.M. Kenig-Witkowska, Warszawa 2017.
2) J. Barcz, M. Górka, A. Wyrozumska, Instytucje i prawo Unii Europejskiej. Podręcznik dla kierunków prawa, zarządzania i administracji, Warszawa 2017.
3) Texts (in Polish):
a) Traktat o Unii Europejskiej (TUE),
b) Traktat o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej (TFUE),
c) Karta Praw Podstawowych (KPP),
1) K.D. Borchardt, ABC prawa Unii Europejskiej, Bruksela 2017,
2) M. Cesarz, Porządek prawny Unii Europejskiej, [w:] Procesy integracyjne i dezintegracyjne w Europie, red. A. Pacześniak, M. Klimowicz, Wrocław 2014,
3) P. Tosiek, Polityka europejska Niemiec w XXI wieku w świetle liberalnej teorii międzyrządowej, Warszawa 2013,
4) P. Tosiek, Prawne gwarancje pozycji państwa członkowskiego w systemie decyzyjnym Unii Europejskiej, [w:] Unia Europejska po Traktacie z Lizbony. Pierwsze doświadczenia i nowe wyzwania, red. P. Tosiek, Lublin 2012, s. 27-51,
5) P. Tosiek, Traktat z Lizbony w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Konstytucyjnego RP w sprawach europejskich, [w:] Unia Europejska po Traktacie z Lizbony. Pierwsze doświadczenia i nowe wyzwania, red. P. Tosiek, Lublin 2012, s. 99-127,
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
- |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: