Political extremism 2102-BW-M-D4EPOL
The subject of explication are problems of the definition and limits of extremism, the demarcation with political radicalism as well as legal and institutional forms of counteracting extremism . The aim of the course is to explain the main trends of contemporary political extremism and radicalism. Their historical origins and evolution will also be presented. The theoretical foundations and ideological background of extremisms will be discussed, as well as their practice and organization. Will be taken into account, inter alia the issue of violence. The planes and forms of internal diversification of extremist ideas and movements will be explained.
1-2 / Problems of defining and limits of political extremism
Definitions of extremism ex negativo and ex positivo. Discussions around the limits of extremism and the context of anti-liberalism and anti-democracy. Historical contexts of the concept - from ultras movement to the theory of totalitarianism. The problem of extremism of the political centre. Radicalism and extremism. Criticism of the concept of extremism-anachronism, ambiguity, political instrumentalization. Law and institutions and the fight against extremism - examples of Poland, Germany and Russia. Extremism and the left-right dichotomy.
3 / Contemporary anarchism - between radicalism and extremism.
Organization and action of the movement: spontaneity, grassroots, federalism, anti-authoritarianism, networking. Anarcho-syndicalism as the historical leader in anarchism; development in selected countries. Internationalism: ideology and practice. Attempts at international organizations - AIT, IWW. Social innovation of anarchism. Revitalization of anarchism through counterculture. Syndicalism, antifascism, ecology. "Intuitive anarchism" and autonomism. Violence in anarchism in the 21st century - a tactic of insurrection. Greek revolt. Anarchists in Alterglobalism.
4 / Polish anarchism-radicalism without extremism?
The fragility of historical roots and the Polish paradoxes of anarchism. Punk subculture, cultural contestation and anti-communism. Anti-militarist and ecological protests. Criticism of the political transformation. From counterculture to anarcho-syndicalism. Anti-fascist revival of anarchism. RAAF and Antifa. Counterviolence. Squatting. Polish anarchism and international movement networks.
5 / Ideological origins of leftist extremism-Marxism-Leninism.
Marxism as a vision of revolution and final annihilation of the state. The theory of triple alienation. Marxist analysis of capitalism. The concept of the revolution. The problem of the transition period. The ideology of Leninism: the theory of spontaneity, the concept of a revolutionary party, the theory of imperialism.
Attitude towards the state and democracy. Totalitarian aspects of Lenin's doctrine. The specificity of communism as a political movement - centralism, bureaucratism, dialectics of pragmatism and revolution.
6 / Communist radical and extremist movements.
Trotskyism as leftist radicalism. L. Trotsky's analysis of the USSR. The problem of the world revolution. The Fourth International: the originality of the internationality of Trotskyism, the phenomenon of entryism. Map of the divisions of contemporary Trotskyism. Trotskyist Episodes in Biographies of Famous Politicians. Trotskyism in Poland: birth; Trotskyists in the PRL; criticism of the political transformation. Postalinian trends of communism. Diagnosis of globalization as colonization and creation of the New World Order. The epigones of communism as extremism - the November 17 Movement. National issues and communism, the case of Kurds.
7 / Maoism-revolution as violence.
The Permanence of the Civil War in China. Militaristic aspects of the history of the communist movement. Birth of doctrine. Cultural background. The peasant question, the strategy of surrounding the cities from the countryside, the apology of violence. Attempts at adapting Maoism to the European ground. The phenomenon of the Naxalites - the 20th century armed movement in the realities of the 21st century. Maoist guerrilla movements in the 21st century - the cases of Nepal, Philippines and Peru. Social exclusion and collective violence.Incosistent internationalism.
8 / Social and ideological origins of fascism.
Polyphonic roots of fascism - from de Morès to Volkism. Czech and German National Socialist movements. Axiocentric and heroic personal model. Fascism as anti-enlightenment. Conservative revolution. Corporatism and refeudalization. Internal diversification of Nazism. The middle classes as a social base of fascisms. Strasserism as a forerunner of the contemporary far-right.
9 / Main currents of right-wing extremism in Western Europe after 1945.
Epigonous post-fascism in Western Europe after World War II and its continuations. Dilemmas of sovereignism and anti-communism. Intellectual and violent reaction to May'68. New Right and GREECE. Sociobiology as a revitalization of the ideological foundations of the far-right. Evola and integral traditionalism. The immigration issue and the restitution of the far-right. The entryism of neo-Nazism in youth culture. Parliamentary parties of the far right and fascist subcultures. Three generations of the Ku-Klux-Klan. The far-right in the USA and Europe - differences and similarities.
10 / Far-right of the 21st century - between neo-Nazism and liberalism.
Symbols of the far right. Violence and examples C18 and B&H. Evolution from public neo-Nazism of subcultures through masking identities to Nipsters. Autonomism as a new strategy. Ethnopluralism and racism. Dilemmas regarding the Enlightenment, post-Jacobin state and liberal economy. Right-wing anti-globalism as anti-liberalism. Identarism. The Casa Pound phenomenon - from squats to entryism. Defense leagues.
11 / The origins of the ultra-right in Poland.
Radical ideas in the National-Democrats tradition. The uncertainty of occidentalism. From mainstream to anti-systemic opposition - political evolution of the nationalist right-wing. The pluralism of the far-right in the Second Polish Republic - national radicalism, fascism, national socialism and populism. ONR-Polish totalitariaism? The problem of the continuity of the National-Democrats tradition.
12 / Evolution of the extreme right in Poland after 1989.
Restitution of the nationalist right from the 1980s. Collective violence and the skins subculture. Between radicalism and extremism. The range and forms of street violence. Ideological diversification - from postnational-democrats to neopaganism, from solidarity to liberalism. Attempts to enter the mainstream of politics. National radicalism and national socialism. Occidental dilemmas of the Polish far-right. Organization and main movements in the 21st century.
13-14 / The extreme right in Central and Eastern Europe - retrospective or new type?
Politics of history as an element of the far-right ideology. Continuity of movements and ideology of the interwar period. Local forms of activity. Forms of transformation - from subculture to political parties. Hybrid ideological types. The conflict in the Donbas as a factor of diversification of the far-right in the whole of Europe.
Term 2023L:
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Term 2024L:
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Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student defines the concept of political extremism and distinguishes it from political radicalism
He knows the historical, cultural and social contexts of right-wing and left-wing extremism and radicalism
He knows the main extremist groups in Poland and selected countries in Europe and the world
He analyzes the ideological origins and organizational model of extremist movements
He can indicate the cleavages of internal differentiation of radicalisms and extremisms
Identifies and explains the language and symbolism used by main currents of extremism
Is able to find sources of information on extremist and radical political tendencies in the Internet space, in the media and in non-debit publications
Is aware of the threats to the democratic political system from various extremist currents as well as the dangers of the abuse of the term extremism
Assessment criteria
The exam will have a combined, written and oral formula. Each student will individually determine the topic of the written work, goals and bibliography. Orally, after the end of the classes, an individual discussion with the teacher will take place as a form of defense of thesis.
The final grade will also include the grade of activity during seminars.
Practical placement
not applicable
R. Tokarczyk, Rozważania nad pojęciem ekstremizmu, „Annales Universitatus Mariae Curie-Skłodowska” 2003/2004, vol. L/LI, s. 253-279, http://dlibra.umcs.lublin.pl/Content/21447/czas4058_50_51_2003_2004_14.pdf
Lit. uz.
R. Tokarczyk, Teoretyczna a praktyczna istota współczesnego ekstremizmu politycznego, [w:] Doktryny i ruchy współczesnego ekstremizmu politycznego, pod red. E. Olszewskiego, Lublin 2004, s. 13-35
E. Posłuszna, Ekstremizm ekologiczny: źródła, przejawy, perspektywy, Warszawa 2012, s. 35-62.
P. Kropotkin, Zdobycie chleba, Warszawa 1988, s. 1-63, 72-138, 142-166, p. Nasze bogactwa, Dobrobyt dla wszystkich, Komunizm anarchistyczny, Wywłaszczenie, Żywność, Odzież, Cel i wydajność produkcji, Pragnienie zbytku, Praca radosna, Wolne porozumienie, Zarzuty, Praca najemna w społeczeństwie kolektywistycznym, Spożycie i produkcja, Podział pracy, Decentralizacja przemysłu, http://www.rozbrat.org/kropotkin/pis_zc1.htm
Lit. uz.
D. Grinberg, Ruch anarchistyczny w Europie Zachodniej 1870-1914, Warszawa 1994, s. 159-338.
T. Król, Niemieccy autonomiści jako ekstremistyczny fenomen, s. 319-341, http://oapuw.pl/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/T.Krol-niemieccy-autonomisci-jako-ekstermistyczny-fenomen-Kopia.pdf
Alfredo M. Bonanno, The Insurrectional Project, https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alfredo-m-bonanno-the-insurrectional-project
Lit. uz.
P. Malendowicz, Ruch anarchistyczny w Europie wobec przemian globalizacyjnych przełomu XX i XXI wieku, Warszawa 2013, s. 99-236.
E. Posłuszna, Ekstremizm ekologiczny: źródła, przejawy, perspektywy, Warszawa 2012, s. 65-202.
R. Antonów, Pod czarnym sztandarem. Anarchizm w Polsce po 1980 roku, Wrocław 2004, s. 136-294.
P. Malendowicz, Ultralewica a współczesność. Idee, programy, praktyka, Piła 2006, s. 75-130.
W. Lenin, Co robić? Palące zagadnienia naszego ruchu, Warszawa 1951, cz. I, p. a,b,c, cz. II (a,b,c), cz. III (a,c,e), cz. IV (c,e), https://ludowa.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/wc582odzimierz-lenin-co-robic487-od-maoistc3b3w.pdf (lub w języku angielskim: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/index.htm)
Program KPP uchwalony na I Zjeździe Dąbrowa Górnicza, grudzień 2002
D. Zalega, Zapomniana opozycja-trockizm w PRL, „Lewą Nogą” 2001 nr 13.
I. Lekea, 17N’s Philosophy of Terror. An Analysis of the 17 November Revolutionary Organization, Santa Barbara2014, s. 1-27 https://publisher.abc-clio.com/9780313381416/8
Lit. uz.
U. Ługowska, A. Grabski, Trockizm. Doktryna i ruch polityczny, Warszawa 2003, s. 13-28, 101-115, 161-195.
J. Tomasiewicz, Maoizm, polpotyzm, dengizm: trzy formy azjatyckiego marksizmu, http://www.polska-azja.pl/maoizm-polpotyzm-dengizm-trzy-formy-azjatyckiego-marksizmu/
Richard Bownas, The Nepalese Maoist Movement in Comparative Perspective: Learning from the History of Naxalism in India, „Himalaya. The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies” vol. 23, 2003, No. 1, art. 8, s. 31-37
Lit. uz.
P.V. Ramana, India’s Maoist Insurgency: Evolution, Current Trends, and Responses, [w:] India’s Contemporary Security Challenges, red. M. Kugelman, Waszyngton 2011, s. 29-45, https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/publication/ASIA_100423_IndiaSecurityFINAL.pdf
R.O. Paxton, Anatomia faszyzmu, Poznań 2004, s. 221-264.
The Manifesto of the Black Front, https://arplan.org/2019/03/31/manifesto-black-front/
Nowa prawica, nowa kultura, nowe pogaństwo, http://www.fronda.pl/a/nowa-prawica-nowa-kultura-nowe-poganstwo,21514.html
Lit. uz.
M. Maciejewski, Od piwiarnianego klubu do organizacji wywrotowej. Nazizm w latach 1919-1924, Toruń 2005, s. 52-274.
Alain de Benoist, Charles Champetier, Manifest Grupy Badań i Studiόw nad Cywilizacją Europejską (GRECE), https://konserwatyzm.pl/manifest-grupy-badan-i-studiow-nad-cywilizacja-europejska-grece-czesc-i/
P. Vejvodová, The Identitarian Movement – renewed idea of alternative Europe, https://ecpr.eu/Filestore/PaperProposal/ff2ea4db-2b74-4479-8175-7e7e468608ba.pdf
J. Tomasiewicz, Combat 18 – terroryści czy chuligani, w: Ewolucja terroryzmu na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, M.J. Malinowski, R. Ożarowski, W. Grabowski (red.), Gdańsk 2009, https://www.academia.edu/35577358/Combat_18_terrory%C5%9Bci_czy_chuligani
Lit. uz.
R. Erb, Ideologiczne zapożyczenia, obrazy historii i symbole skrajnie prawicowych grup młodzieżowych-neonaziści i skinheadzi, [w:] Skrajnie prawicowe ideologie w historii i współczesności, pod red. U. Backesa, Wałbrzych 2005, s. 225-241.
M. Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right, Chapel Hill 2014 (1996), s. 225-242, 255-290
S. Hall, American Patriotism, American Protest: Social Movements Since the Sixties, Philadephia 2011, s. 117-139
O. Grott, Faszyści i narodowi socjaliści w Polsce, Kraków 2007, s. 275–310.
Sz. Rudnicki, Szymon Rudnicki Obóz Narodowo Radykalny Geneza i działalność, s. 212-330, Warszawa 1985,
J. Tomasiewicz, Ugrupowania neoendeckie w III RP, Toruń 2003, s. 173-214, 339-360 (skrót: http://rcin.org.pl/ihpan/Content/49634/WA303_67675_A507-DN-R-35-3_Tomasiewicz.pdf)
A. Dawidowicz, Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski. Oblicze ideowe nacjonalistycznej partii politycznej, „Polityka i Społeczeństwo” 2014 nr 3(12), http://yadda.icm.edu.pl/yadda/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-94fa7cf5-3688-4d28-bf1e-9179d39dd00c/c/5_Dawidowicz_A..pdf
Lit. uz.
Ł. Wojdyła, Wizja historii w tekstach muzycznych polskich grup skrajnie prawicowych, Toruń 2005, r. II-V.
J. Tomasiewicz: Skrajna prawica nacjonalistyczna na Ukrainie: ideologia, struktury, działalność (w:) Implikacje konfliktu ukraińskiego dla polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Polski. Aspekty polityczne, wojskowe, gospodarcze oraz społeczne, pod red. K. Czornik, M. Lakomy, M. Stolarczyk. Katowice 2015, https://www.academia.edu/35641296/Skrajna_prawica_nacjonalistyczna_na_Ukrainie
P. Malendowicz, W drodze do władzy… Nacjonalistyczne projekty państw Europy XXI wieku, Bydgoszcz 2017, s. 158-205, https://docplayer.pl/56742961-W-drodze-do-wladzy-nacjonalistyczne-projekty-panstw-europy-xxi-wieku.html
Lit. uz.
P. Sieradzan, Czerwono-brunatni: sojusz radykalizmu lewicy i prawicy w Rosji współczesnej, Warszawa 2010, s. 95-214.
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
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