Basics of Knowledge of Law 2102-BW-L-Z1PWOP
Normative system sin modern world. Concept of normative system. Classification of normative systems. Relations between chosen normative systems. System of legal norms and other normative systems.
Rules concerning legal statements. Performative statements, their features and types. Concept of directive, ways of its formulation, types of directives.
Problem of law definition. Review of chosen concepts of law and of definitions basing o them. Law as political phenomenon.
Legal language and language of law.
Sources of law - classification features. System of sources of law in Poland. Public law and law of administration. Constitution and its normative character. Degree of legal regulation. Statutes' executive acts - decree, Government's resolution and disposition. Local law. Promulgation organs. Sources of law in European Union. International law in Polish sources of law system.
Normative act and its construction. Creation of law. Basic techniques of law-making. Way of legal norms formulation. Statutes' introductions features. General clauses.
Legal norm and legal code - interrelations. Construction of legal norm - hypothesis, disposition and sanction. Dispute over construction of legal norm. Sanction as a part of legal norm. Concept of connected norms. Legal norms classification. Legal rules and principles. Collision norms and their construction. Types of legal codes.
Legal relation - creation, change and termination, elements, types.
Law in time and space. Lex retro non agit principle. Desuetudo.
Problem of legal system completeness. Gap - types, ways of termination. Law evasion.
Legal code interpretation. Interpretation of law - types, ways of exploitation. Features of legal logic. Rational legislator concept.
Systems of law in modern world. Family of law concept. Discussing basic features of chosen legal systems: continental, Anglo-Saxon, canonical, Muslim, Chinese, Hindi. Primitive law relicts.
Law enforcement and law obedience. Ignorantia iuris nocet principle. Legal responsibility. Concepts of guilt and punishment. Problem of law effectiveness.
Justice concept - dispute over classification.
Democratic legal state. Features of Polish approach - democratic legal state realizing social justice principle. Expressions of law and order.
Term 2023Z:
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Type of course
Course coordinators
T.Stawecki, P.Winczorek Wstęp do prawoznawstwa, wyd. IV lub późniejsze;
S. Wronkowska, Z. Ziembiński, Zarys teorii prawa, Poznań 2001
K.Opałek Zagadnienia teorii prawa i teorii polityki, PWN (wskazane fragmenty)
A.Pieniążek, M.Stefaniuk Socjologia prawa, Zakamycze, 2005, (wskazane fragmenty)
J.Jadacki, Spór o granice języka, Semper, 2001, (wskazane fragmenty)
Lech Kaczyński Czy Postanowienia normatywne układów zbiorowych pracy dotyczące treści stosunków pracy są przepisami powszechnie obowiązującymi, Przegląd Sądowy z 1999r. Nr 11-12,
Marek Zubik Trybunał Konstytucyjny a układy zbiorowe pracy, Praca i zabezpieczenie społeczne, marzec 2005,
Lech Garlicki Refleksje nad charakterem Porozumienia Gdańskiego, Państwo i Prawo, 1981, Nr 1,
Teksty źródłowe:
Konstytucja RP z 2 kwietnia 1997r.,
Ustawa z dnia 20 lipca 2000r. o ogłaszaniu aktów normatywnych i niektórych innych aktów prawnych (Dz.U. Nr 62, poz. 718 z późn. zm.);
Ustawa z dnia 14 kwietnia 2000r. o umowach międzynarodowych (Dz.U. Nr 39, poz. 443 z poźn. zm.);
Rozporządzenie Prezesa Rady Ministrów z dnia 20 czerwca 2002r. w sprawie "Zasad techniki prawodawczej" (Dz.U. Nr 100, poz. 908 z późn. zm.).
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2023Z:
None |
Additional information
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