Integration processes in Europe 2102-BW-L-D4PIEU
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the origins, course, results and prospects of integration processes taking place on the European continent.
During the lecture, European integration will be defined and changes in its interpretation in the historical context will be presented.
During the classes, content related to events on the European continent in the economic, military and political, social and cultural spheres, which led to the unification of the continent, will be transmitted. Integration processes will be presented in a historical perspective, with the marking of events, from the distant past, to the last integration activities. The main part of the lecture will be an in-depth analysis of integration phenomena in Europe after World War II, including the study of the main institutions, goals of integration, stages of development and functioning of the European Communities/European Union.
Issues addressed during the lecture will include the following problems:
1. Conceptualization of the concept of integration
2. Historical conditions of integration processes in Europe
3. Theories of European integration
4. Stages of economic integration
5. Political and military integration
6. EC/EU territorial expansions
During the lecture, particular attention will be paid to:
- showing the dynamics of European integration,
- stressing the connections between different integration areas,
- the importance of diverse motivation of individual participants in the integration process for its cohesion.
Integration processes will be presented as treatments of the elites and European societies undertaken to increase the state and sense of security of European nations.
Term 2023L:
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the origins, course, results and prospects of integration processes taking place on the European continent. |
Term 2024L:
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the origins, course, results and prospects of integration processes taking place on the European continent. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands the norms and rules governing socio-political structures and institutions in Europe resulting from European integration, emphasizing those important for maintaining socio-political order and security (K_W04).
The student knows and understands the role of the EU and other European cooperation structures in resolving conflicts and crises occurring in Europe today and in the past (K_W05).
The student knows and understands the attributes and mechanisms of the modern state in the field of creating and implementing security policy and the interdependencies resulting from the participation of European countries in integration processes for the national security policy (K_W06).
The student knows and understands the relationships between European structures of political and economic cooperation and their impact on shaping international order and security (K_W08).
The student is able to notice the multiplicity and diversity of positions and opinions regarding the goals, directions, levels and effects of European integration and discuss them (K_U1).
The student is ready to observe and interpret social and political phenomena occuring on the European continent and notice their mutual relations and dependencies (K_K05 ).
Assessment criteria
Final colloquium in the form of a test with closed and open questions (true/false, single-choice questions, fill-in-match questions, short problem questions). Additionally, participation in the conversation component of the lecture is rewarded.
Barcz J. (red.), Traktat z Lizbony. Główne reformy ustrojowe Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2008.
Bąba W., Bariery dalszych rozszerzeń Unii Europejskiej, w: H. Tendera-Właszczuk (red.), Bariery integracji Unii Europejskiej, Kraków 2009, s. 156-188.
Borkowski P.J., Polityczne teorie integracji międzynarodowej, Warszawa 2007.
Cini M. (red.), Unia Europejska. Organizacja i funkcjonowanie, Warszawa 2007.
Czaputowicz J., Teorie integracji europejskiej, Warszawa 2018.
Deklaracja Plevena, Paryż 24 października 1950 za: Integracja europejska w dokumentach. Wybór i opracowanie dokumentów Stanisław Parzymies, s. 104-111.
Grzeszczak R., Federalizacja systemu Unii Europejskiej, w: E. Piontka, K. Kasaiewicz, Quo vadis Europo III?, Warszawa 2010.
Kubin T., Kontynuacja procesu rozszerzenia jako wyzwanie dla Unii Europejskiej, „Teka Komisji Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych” 2016, nr 11(2), s. 65-80.
Łastawski K., Od idei do integracji europejskiej, Warszawa 2003.
Łukaszewski J., Cel Europa. Dziewięć esejów o budowniczych jedności europejskiej, Warszawa 2002.
Memorandum francuskie w sprawie organizacji ustroju Europejskiej Unii Federalnej z 17 maja 1930 za: Integracja europejska w dokumentach. Wybór i opracowanie dokumentów Stanisław Parzymies, Warszawa 2008, s. 40-49.
Miecznikowska J., Szymański A. Rozszerzenie terytorialne Unii Europejskiej [w:] K .A. Wojtaszczyk (red.) Dylematy modernizacji Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2007, s. 120-137.
Milczarek D., Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej na Wschód – geneza, rezultaty, perspektywy, „Studia Europejskie” 2014, nr 1, s. 9-35.
Pacześniak A., Klimowicz M., Procesy integracyjne i dezintegracyjne w Europie, Wydawnictwo OTO-Wrocław 2014
Popowicz K., Rozwój podstaw prawnych Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2010
Projekt statutu Europejskiej Wspólnoty Politycznej, Strasburg 10 marca 1953 za: Integracja europejska w dokumentach. Wybór i opracowanie dokumentów Stanisław Parzymies, s. 158-169.
Richard Nikolaus Coudenhouve-Kalergi, Manifest Paneuropejski, Wiedeń 1924, za: Integracja europejska w dokumentach. Wybór i opracowanie dokumentów Stanisław Parzymies, Warszawa 2008, s. 35-39.
Ruszkowski J., Wstęp do studiów europejskich, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2007.
Traktat ustanawiający EWO, Paryż 27 maja 1952 za: Integracja europejska w dokumentach. Wybór i opracowanie dokumentów Stanisław Parzymies, s. 134-157.
Wojtaszczyk K. A. (red.), Integracja europejska, Warszawa 2012
Term 2023L:
Final colloquium in the form of a test with closed and open questions (true/false, single-choice questions, fill-in-match questions, short problem questions). Additionally, participation in the conversation component of the lecture is rewarded. |
Term 2024L:
Final colloquium in the form of a test with closed and open questions (true/false, single-choice questions, fill-in-match questions, short problem questions). Additionally, participation in the conversation component of the lecture is rewarded. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: