(in Polish) Komunikacja interpersonalna 2100-PP-M-D1KOIN
During the classes students become acquainted with basic issues in the theory of communication, such as: communication models, specificity of the channel and message, effective listening, sub-languages, decoding, barriers, the area of experience, the problem of word interpretation.
In addition - students learn the techniques of conducting disputes and negotiations, including the principles of rhetoric and eristics (polemical tricks, answering difficult/inconvenient questions, speaking, elements that increase the credibility of statements),
An important element of the classes is also knowledge about methods of influencing the recipient and effective communication techniques (e.g. Cialdini, NLP).
Part of the classes is also devoted to paraverbal and non-verbal communication (mimics, ocules, kinesietics, haptics, proxemics, chronemics, appearance) and differences/barriers in communication between people belonging to different groups.
Term 2024Z:
During the classes students become acquainted with basic issues in the theory of communication, such as: communication models, specificity of the channel and message, effective listening, sub-languages, decoding, barriers, the area of experience, the problem of word interpretation. |
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W10 - the graduate knows and understands the mechanisms of communication in the public sphere
K_U07 - using the knowledge about communication methods and its barriers, the graduate is able to take part in a debate on selected issues in the field of public policy, assuming various roles, including that of a debate leader
K_U09 - the graduate is able to communicate effectively with other people within a task team, taking on various roles in it, including team management skills
Assessment criteria
Written work / knowledge test, continuous assessment of activity (credit for grade).
1. Cialdini R. Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi. Teoria i praktyka, GWP, Gdańsk 1999
3. McKay M., Davis M. I Fanning P. Sztuka skutecznego porozumiewania się, GWP, Gdańsk 2003
4. Nęcki Z. Negocjacje w biznesie, Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu, Kraków 1995
5. Nierenberg G.I i Calero H.H. Czytając w człowieku jak w otwartej książce, Rebis, Poznań 1999
6. Pease A. Język ciała – Jak czytać myśli ludzi z ich gestów, Gemini, Kraków 1994
7. Steward J. Mosty zamiast murów, PWN, Warszawa 2002
8. Głodowski W. Komunikowanie interpersonalne, Hansa comunication, Warszawa 2001
9.Griffin. E, Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, GWP, Gdańsk 2003
10. Adler R.B., Relacje interpersonalne, Rebis, Poznań 2006
11. Mikułowski-Pomorski J. Komunikacja Międzykulturowa, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie, Kraków 2003
12. Dimitrius J-E. Sztuka obserwacji, Helion, Gliwice 2008
13. Lewandowska-Tarasiuk E. W teatrze prezentacji.O sztuce perswazji, WP, Warszawa 2005
14. Programowanie Neurolingwistyczne. Nowa technologia osiągania sukcesów, Medium 1996
15. Pszczołowski T., Umiejętność przekonywania i dyskusji, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe, Gdańsk 1998, 2000.
16. Wiszniewski A., Jak przekonująco mówić i przemawiać, Warszawa 1994.
17. Schopenhauer A., Erystyka, czyli sztuka prowadzenia sporów, Warszawa 2002
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: