Social and cultural determinants of city development 1900-SM-1-22
The lecture is a review of social and cultural determinants of urban development. The demographic situation of different sizes of cities against the background of the country and the phenomenon of internal migration will be analyzed, the processes of foreign migration and their consequences for public policies and relationship patterns will be discussed. In the part devoted to aging, the lecture will introduce the issue of the diversity of aging and the development of elderly friendly cities, while the workshop will consist of designing innovation. Next, the structure of social bonds in the urban environment will be discussed, its conditions and impact on urban processes, such as identification with a place of residence, urban policy, civic activities. In the part devoted to power, situations of loss of legitimacy of domination triggering claim discourses or even protests will be discussed. There will also be classes to present from a modernization perspective how the introduction of liquid waste treatment systems, water supply and sewage systems, related to the ideas of public hygiene, determines the form of life in a large city. Sanitary facilities will be shown as urban media, therefore in the context of changes in both technology and state of mind. The finale lectures will introduce the issue of using the city's cultural heritage and the cultural capital of its residents as factors of city development.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Your final grade will be assigned according to the following percentage breakdown: attendance and participation (20%) and written exam (80%).
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M. Mafesoli, 2014, Instynkt stadny w metropolii, w: My i Oni. Przestrzenie wspólne i projektowanie dla wspólnoty, Synchronizacja, Bęc Zmiana, Warszawa.
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M. Nowicka, S. Vertovec, 2014, Comparing Convivialities: Dreams and realities of living-with-difference, European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol.17(4), pp.341-356.
S. Vertovec, 2007, Super-diversity and its implications, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30:6, 1024-1054.
W. Graham, 2016, Miasta wyśnione, Karakter, Kraków.
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M. Kowalewski, 2016, Protest miejski. Przestrzenie, tożsamości i praktyki niezadowolonych obywateli miast, NOMOS, Kraków.
H. de Lefebvre, 2012, Prawo do miasta, „Praktyka teoretyczna” nr 5/2012.
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J. Hausner, 2016, Miasto-idea i rola kultury w jego rozwoju, "Kultura i Rozwój" 2016, nr 1(1), s. 109-120.
P. Kubicki, 2016, Tożsamość miasta, [w:] tegoż, Wynajdywanie miejskości. Polska kwestia miejska z perspektywy długiego trwania, Nomos, Kraków 2016, s. 299–336.
A.Skórzyńska, 2014, W poszukiwaniu miasta jako praxis, [w:] Kulturowe studia miejskie. Wprowadzenie, pod red. Ewy Rewers, NCK, Warszawa, s. 335–373.
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G. Kennedy, 2007, The City, ch. 4 w: An Ontology of Trash. The Disposable and its Problematic Nature, New York.
F. Springer, 2019, Śmieciowa przestrzeń, w: Każdemu jego śmietnik. Szkice o śmieciach i śmietniskach, Wołowiec.
T.H. Eriksen, 2013, Mensch und Muell, Basel (oryg. Søppel, Oslo 2011).
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Term 2024Z:
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