Basics of didactics 1900-1-PODD-PED
The lectures are devoted to the issues of general didactics as a pedagogical subdiscipline. They are aimed at:
• enabling them to get to know the school as an institution supporting the development of the student and the teacher's workplace (professional development),
• getting to know the Polish education system, core curricula, curricula and content
• getting to know modern concepts of teaching - learning,
• making students aware of the didactic tasks facing the teacher (including the tutor)
• presentation of the basic principles of teacher professional ethics and a model profile of a responsible teacher,
• getting to know the teaching process - learning, basic didactic principles and methods,
• learning by students of different styles of teaching-learning,
• getting to know various forms and methods of work of the teacher and student,
• inspiring students to plan lessons inside and outside the classroom - learning about planning tools,
• preparing students to plan short and long-term didactic work and the process of its evaluation,
• making you aware of the need to create your own workshop, including - didactic aids,
• learning about diagnostic tools that enable the assessment of the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process,
• students perceiving the role of language (including language culture) as a teacher's work tool,
• discussion on effective interpersonal communication, defining its directions and principles.
To achieve the anticipated learning outcomes, the following is planned:
• participation (partially - active) in lectures
• own contribution: preparation for a pass (test) or independent work on the development of an educational project.
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
elective courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes: C.W1; C.W2; C.W3; C.W4; C.W5; C.W6; C.W7; C.U1; C.U2; C.U3; C.U4; C.U5; C.U6; C.U8; C.K1; C.K2.
After completing the course, the student:
- defines the role of the school as an institution supporting student development and teacher's professional development,
- characterizes the structure and functions of the education system in Poland, defines the role of core curricula, curricula, presents their concepts in relation to the teaching content
- lists and characterizes the basic theories of education processes, presents the conditions of these processes,
- characterizes contemporary teaching-learning concepts,
- lists and characterizes the basic principles of teacher professional ethics,
- presents a model profile of a responsible teacher
- describes the basic principles and teaching methods,
- is characterized by different styles of teaching-learning,
- characterizes various forms and methods of teaching-learning,
- describes the stages of planning private and field lessons,
- defines the rules and stages of planning and evaluation of the teacher's work,
- presents the main didactic tasks of the teacher-tutor
- justifies the necessity of permanent professional development
- describes what the teacher's workshop is, justifies the need for its continuous creation,
- characterizes various categories of teaching aids,
- describes the process of designing and conducting diagnostic research on the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process,
- defines the regularities and methods of interpersonal communication and describes the types of difficulties and ways of counteracting
- presents the features of "brain-friendly" learning
- defines what complementary education is
Assessment criteria
Presence at the lecture (obligatory), activity in the summarizing phase (references, reflections, own experiences, conclusions, etc.).
Written credit: a) test or b) student educational project
a) Test: five issues included as a bundle of open-ended questions. Obtaining 60% - grade satisfactory
b) Educational project based on the content of selected lectures.
General assessment criteria: content-related correctness, logic, consistency, planning, criticism, originality, linguistic correctness.
Practical placement
Pedagogy work placements are a separate subject of Pedagogy course.
Obligatory literature:
- Franciszek Bereźnicki, 2011, Podstawy dydaktyki, Impuls, Kraków.
- Kruszewski K. (red.), 2007, Sztuka nauczania. Czynności nauczyciela, Wyd. Nauk. PWN.
- Półturzycki J., 2000, Dydaktyka dla nauczycieli, Wyd. A. Marszałek, Toruń.
- Żegnałek K., Gutkowska_Wyrzykowska E., 2016, Nauczyciel – misja czy zawód? (w) Pedagogika, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas, nr 13, Sosnowiec.
Recommended literature:
- Angiel J., 2018, Osobowość i autorytet nauczycieli geografii - wpływ na życie uczniów, obecnych studentów geografii, Prace KEG PTG, t. 8, Sosnowiec.
- Arends R. I., 1998, Uczymy się nauczać, WSiP, Warszawa.
- Denek K., 2015, Edukacja jutra. Drogowskazy - aksjologia - osobowość, Oficyna Wyd. "Humanitas", Sosnowiec.
- Fenstermacher G.D., Soltis J.F., 2000, Style nauczania, WSiP, Warszawa.
- Homplewicz J., 2000, Etyka pedagogiczna, Wyd. Salezjańskie, Warszawa.
- Klus-Stańska D., 2015, Szkolna klasa-miejsce (nie)przyjazne dziecku (w:) Miejsce, przestrzeń, krajobraz. Edukacyjne znaki (red. T. Sadoń-Osowiecka, Wyd. UG, Gdańsk.
- Klus-Stańska, 2010, Dydaktyka wobec chaosu pojęć i zdarzeń, Wyd. Akad. ŻAK, Warszawa.,
- Paris S.G., Ayers L., 1997, Stawanie się refleksyjnym uczniem i nauczycielem,
WSiP, Warszawa.
- Pawelski L., Urbanek B., 2014, Twórczość - Kreatywność - Nauczyciel, Polskie Stow. Nauczycieli Twórczych, Szczecinek.
- Perrot E., 1995, Efektywne nauczanie, WSiP, Warszawa.
- Robertson J., 1998, Jak zapewnić dyscyplinę, ład i uwagę w klasie, WSiP, Warszawa.
-Żylińska M., 2013, Neurodydaktyka. Nauczanie i uczenie się przyjazne mózgowi, Wyd. Nauk. UMK, Toruń.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: