Advanced qualitative methods in social studies 1600-SZD-WM-ZMJwNS
1) Course Outline
Topic 1 – The difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 1, 2, 3)
Silverman, D. (2007). Interpretacja danych jakościowych. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 3)
Issues discussed:
• Specificity of qualitative research methods: methodology of qualitative research (qualitative vs quantitative)
• Different qualitative methods: IDI, FGI, ethnographic research, online qualitative methods
• The difference between qualitative methods in science and practice (applied qualitative research)
• How qualitative research methods can help answer scientific questions
Home assignment: analysis of examples of qualitative scientific research
Topic 2 – Planning of qualitative research
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 4, 5)
Issues discussed:
• Definition of research problem: which research questions are answered by qualitative methods, combining qualitative and quantitative methods
• Designing the research schemata: choice of methods, number of interviews, number of groups in research schemata
• Definition of recruitment/ selection criteria)
Home assignment: planning a qualitative research (research schemata, recruitment/ selection criteria)
Topic 3 – Discussion guide
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 3, 4, 5)
Issues discussed:
• Research problems, research questions, and interview questions
• Questions and topics sequence rules
• Enabling and projective techniques
• Rules of preparing discussion guide (topic guide, interview scenario)
Home assignment: preparation of discussion guide
Topic 4 – Conducting an interview
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 9)
Silverman, D. (2007). Interpretacja danych jakościowych. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 10)
Issues discussed:
• Types of skills advisable in conducting qualitative research
• Types of questions
• Building contact with respondent in qualitative interview
• Skills helping with „difficult respondents”
Home assignment: short essay (3000 signs) and conducting 2 qualitative interviews
Topic 5 – Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 10)
Braun, V., and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 77–101. doi: 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa
Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. (2000). Analiza danych jakościowych. Białystok: Trans Humana. (chapter 10)
Silverman, D. (2007). Interpretacja danych jakościowych. Warszawa: PWN. (chapter 8)
Issues discussed:
• Qualitative data analysis framework
• Interpretation of qualitative data – what we can conclude from qualitative research and what we can’t
• Principles of reporting qualitative data in applied research
• Scientific publications based on qualitative research
Final assignment: qualitative research report
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knows and understands:
- The basic principles of knowledge transfer to the economic and social sphere and the commercialization of the results of scientific activity and the know-how associated with these results.
Able to:
- use knowledge from various fields of science or arts to creatively identify, formulate and innovatively solve complex problems or perform tasks of a research nature, in particular:
- define the purpose and object of scientific research, formulate a research hypothesis
- develop methods, techniques and research tools and creatively apply them
- make conclusions based on the results of scientific research.
Assessment criteria
1) Assessment Tasks:
• Active participation in the class.
• Correct performance of home assignment.
• One absence is admissible.
2) Learning Outcomes Assessment:
• Home assignment.
3) Assessment criteria:
• Correct performance of home assignment.
Practical placement
Braun, V., and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 77–101. doi: 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa.
Maison, D. (2010). Jakościowe metody badań marketingowych. Jak zrozumieć konsumenta. Warszawa: PWN.
Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. (2000). Analiza danych jakościowych. Białystok: Trans Humana.
Silverman, D. (2007). Interpretacja danych jakościowych. Warszawa: PWN.
Additional information
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