Reserch ethics in psychology 1600-SZD-EBP
Ethical issues in social research concern two groups of topics. The first part of the lecture will cover dilemmas in research planning, publication and data management. Issues related to relevant topics, reliability of publication of results (including the impact of publication on society), copyright in relation to ideas, theories, research results and data will be discussed. The postulates of transparency and avoiding manipulation at the data analysis stage will be addressed.
The second part of the lecture will deal with the issues of relations between researcher and respondents. It will cover issues of informed consent, minimization of stress, protection of privacy. In particular, the topics of online research, qualitative research and experiments, including animal research, will be addressed.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands:
- rules for disseminating scientific results (also in open access mode (P8S_WG)
- Economic, legal, ethical and other significant determinants of scientific activity (P8S_WK)
- Participate in scientific discourse (P8S_UO), in particular by paying attention to the ethical aspects of research.
Social competence:
Is ready to:
- fulfilling social obligations of researchers (P8S_KO),
- maintaining and developing the ethos of research and creative environments, including:
- conducting scientific activities independently
- respecting the principle of public ownership of the results of scientific activities, including the principles of intellectual property protection. (P8S_KR)
Assessment criteria
Description of the requirements related to participation in classes, including the admissible number of absences subject to excuse:
One absence is allowed (2 hours), in the case of a greater number of absences, an additional written assignment is required.
Assessment Tasks:
A credit based on a structured description of the ethical aspects of a selected empirical study in the field of social sciences.
Learning Outcomes Assessment:
The student receives credit based on attendance and a final essay.
In the absence of the required attendance, he can write an additional work (the scope is determined individually depending on the subject of abandoned classes).
In the case of unsatisfactory assessment of the final essay, the Student has the right to additional consultation and submit a second final essay on the same terms.
Assessment criteria:
A student presenting a written essay must demonstrate achievement of at least 60% of the assessed learning outcomes
American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Section 8 ‘Research and Publication’.
British Psychological Society. (2014). Code of human research ethics. British Psychological Society.
Buchanan, E. A., & Zimmer, M. (2012). Internet research ethics.
Guillemin, M., & Gillam, L. (2004). Ethics, reflexivity, and “ethically important moments” in research. Qualitative inquiry, 10(2), 261-280.
Iphofen, R. (Ed.). (2017). Finding common ground: Consensus in research ethics across the social sciences. Emerald Group Publishing.
Woodfield, K. (Ed.). (2017). The ethics of online research. Emerald Group Publishing.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: