The Basics of Scientific Presentation 1400-236PPN
How to perform a spoken presentation without stress?
How to make your speech interesting, comprehensive and scientifically correct?
How to prepare illustrations or compose a text?
And first of all - how to present to the audience exactly those bits of information we intend?
And how to ensure positive reception?
The answer for those and many other questions can be found in our course.
The objective of the classes is to acquire the basics of professional communicating skills and to practice them. The classes are intended for students who would like to master the techniques of public presentation and improve their communication skills of various subjects, including the curricula and results of their own research projects.
The classes fill the gap in academic education by emphasizing the quality of the communication, its legibility, comprehensibility and attractiveness to the audience.
During the course the knowledge is acquired mainly by personal experience in real-life-like situations.
We will practice two basic ways of communicating used in academic life: spoken presentation (report, lecture) and presentation poster.
Efficient communicating of information is one of the most important skills in our life. It often has an significant impact on the chance of success in various fields. The art of presentation should be one of the basic skills of an educated person. Its importance increases in the final stages of academic education and at the beginning of professional career.
Course Content:
" importance of efficient communication; message, reception, information handling and memorizing
" text and visual information; non-verbal communication; conversion of data type; data loss and redundance; complex communication
" useful rules and techniques; elements of NLP, presentation graphics
" presentation of scientific data
" poster as a scientific publication; creating posters
" spoken presentation (talk) and its delivery; basic mistakes in oral presentations
The participants will be asked to prepare and deliver spoken presentation which will be afterwards analyzed and commented.
Reference materials:
(No mandatory reading)
Form of assessment:
Attendance: presence at over 70% of the classes is required.
Delivery of a short spoken presentation and its analysis.
Grading rules:
Preparation (15%) and delivery (25%) of a presentation; active participation in classes esp. during critical session (i.e. presentation analysis session 60%).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Ability to effectively transfer knowledge, results and concepts of scientific research. The ability of public speaking, especially the presentation and illustration of a scientific data. Knowledge about basic principles of scientific communication in the most frequently used forms (oral presentation, multimedia presentation, scientific poster, scientific article). Reduction of stress and facilitating the preparation and presentation of relevant content, increasing the degree of their memorization by the recipient.
Assessment criteria
Evaluation of the quality of the prepared and delivered scientific presentation, made by the recipients. Active participation in exercises (minimum 85% of time presence).
Practical placement
Suggested reading:
Batko A. - Sztuka perswazji. - Helion, Gliwice, 2005.
Kenny P. - Panie Przewodniczący, Panie, Panowie... Przewodnik po sztuce i technice wystąpień publicznych ułożony specjalnie dla inżynierów i pracowników nauki. - Politechnika Wrocławska Wrocław, 1995.
Lunden B. Rosell L. - Techniki prezentacji; O sztuce przemawiania, angażowania i przekonywania. - BL Info Polska, Gdańsk, 2003.
Młyniec W. Ufnalska S. - Scientific communication, czyli jak pisać i prezentować prace naukowe. - 2003
Rosell L. - Techniki sprzedaży; O sztuce sprzedawania. - BL Info Polska, Gdańsk, 2005.
Wasylczyk P. Prezentacje naukowe, praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2017
Weiner J. - Technika pisania i prezentowania przyrodniczych prac naukowych: przewodnik praktyczny. - PWN, Warszawa, 2018.
Zaczynski W. P. - Poradnik autora prac seminaryjnych, dyplomowych i magisterskich. - ZAK, Warszawa, 1995.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: