Natura 2000 - a framework of nature conservation in Europe 1400-126N2OPE
The classes are dedicated to people whose future work will be related to nature conservation, i.e. primarily employees of governmental institutions and offices dealing with nature and environmental conservation, non-governmental organizations, scientific institutions and companies dealing with e.g. EIA, operating both in Poland and and in other European Union countries. In the current legal conditions, the Natura system is becoming a basic tool for nature conservation in EU countries.
These classes are addressed students of Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Biology, but also to students of MSOŚ, MISMaP or Biology at the Faculty of Biology.
These classes are a very useful introduction to other specialization subjects, such as "Protection and Restoration of Ecosystems".
Lectures will be held in Warsaw. General information about the Natura 2000 system will be presented - genesis, legal basis, establishment, operation and management of Natura 2000 areas, protected natural habitats and species. Subsequent lectures will include an overview of natural habitats from Annex I of the Habitats Directive, plant and animal species from Annex II of the Habitats Directive and bird species from the annexes of the Birds Directive. Their characteristics, distribution, identification methods, threats, conservation status and conservation methods will be presented, with particular emphasis on habitats and species occurring in Poland.
The field exercises will include a six-day field trip to ECEG in Chęciny. Classes will be held both near the UW field station and in other locations in the Świętokrzyskie region.
During field exercises, students will identify the more important or more common Natura 2000 habitats and species in Poland (except mountain and seaside ones). Field classes will be conducted in forest, meadow, lake, peat bog and grassland ecosystems, where there are species of plants, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and invertebrates protected in the Natura 2000 system.
Within borders of selected patches of Natura 2000 habitats and species populations, students will determine threats, assess the conservation status in accordance with the current methodology of the General Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, and plan appropriate conservation measures.
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
spatial development
Type of course
elective courses
elective monographs
obligatory courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
K_W02. Knows basic terminology used in the protection of the natural environment and ecology. Knows the course of basic ecological processes
K_W06. Knows the most important nature conservation problems and knows their connections with other nature disciplines.
K_W07. Knows global environmental problems and the application of ecology in the practice of nature conservation and environmental management
K_W09. Identifies the most important threats to the state of aquatic and terrestrial environments
K_W10. Recognizes mechanisms and economic instruments used to achieve the objectives of environmental protection policy
K_W11. Characterizes the state of biotic and abiotic nature resources as well as the forms and methods of their protection
K_U08. Analyzes the causes of threats to the environment and biodiversity and is able to indicate the type of remedial actions
K_U09. Applies basic methods of collecting ecological data in the field.
K_U14. Recognizes typical representatives of the main systematic groups of plant and animal organisms, with particular emphasis on protected and endangered species
K_W03. Knows modern methods of nature and environmental protection
K_W04. Knows the terminology and methods used in nature conservation
K_W10. Knows main theats to nature and knows how to use modern methods of nature conservation
K_U07. Is able to identify the causes of degradation of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
K_U08. Determines the current environmental state of a specific ecosystem based on the provided physico-chemical and biological data as well as its own data.
K_U17. Is able to propose an appropriate method of speies and natural habitats monitoring.
Assessment criteria
Lecture part:
A written test checking the knowledge provided during lectures about the functioning of the Natura 2000 system and the protection of natural habitats and species covered by it.
Exercise part:
Presentation (in the field) of threats, conservation status and proposals for conservation measures for a specific patch of a natural habitat or population of a species protected under the Natura 2000 legislation and the ability to justify the results of one's work during the discussion.
Practical placement
Not applicable.
Birds and Habitats directives:
Herbich J. (red.). 2004. Poradniki ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 – podręcznik metodyczny. Tom 1-5. Wyd. Ministerstwa Środowiska, Warszawa.
Adamski P., Bartel R., Bereszyński A., Kepel A., Witkowski Z. (red.). 2004. Gatunki zwierząt (z wyjątkiem ptaków). Poradniki ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 – podręcznik metodyczny. Tom 6. Wyd. Ministerstwo Środowiska, Warszawa.
Gromadzki M. (red.) 2004. Ptaki (część I i II). Poradniki ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 – podręcznik metodyczny. Tom 7 i 8. Wyd. Ministerstwa Środowiska, Warszawa.
Sudnik-Wójcikowska B., Werblan-Jakubiec H. (red.). 2004. Gatunki roślin. Poradniki ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 – podręcznik metodyczny. Tom. 9. Wyd. Ministerstwa Środowiska, Warszawa.
Przewodniki metodyczne na temat monitoringu siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 dostępne w Internecie na stronie GDOŚ:
Serwisy informacyjne o systemie Natura 2000:
Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska:
Klub Przyrodników:
Literatura pomocnicza:
Głowaciński Z. (red.). 2001. Polska czerwona księga zwierząt. Kręgowce. Tom I. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, Warszawa.
Głowaciński Z., Nowacki J. (red.). 2004. Polska czerwona księga zwierząt. Bezkręgowce. Tom II. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN w Krakowie & Akademia Rolnicza im. A. Cieszko. wskiego w Poznaniu.
Kaźmierczakowa, R., Zarzycki, K., Mirek, Z. (red.), 2014. Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków.
Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats. EU DG Environment, Nature and Biodiversity, 2013.
Stańko R., Wołejko L., Pawlaczyk P. (red.). 2019. Podręcznik dobrych praktyk w ochronie torfowisk alkalicznych, Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodników, Świebodzin.
Barańska K., Jermaczek A. 2009. Poradnik utrzymania i ochrony siedliska przyrodniczego 6210 – murawy kserotermiczne. Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodnków, Świebodzin.
Natura 2000 – Niezbędnik leśnika. Klub Przyrodników, Świebodzin 2012
Natura 2000 – Niezbędnik urzędnika. Klub Przyrodników, Świebodzin 2012
Natura 2000 – Niezbędnik przyrodnika. Klub Przyrodników, Świebodzin 2012
Iddle E., Bines T. 2004. Planowanie ochrony obszarów cennych przyrodniczo. Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodników, Świebodzin
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: