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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Social Work > Social Work, extramural, BA studies

Social Work, extramural, BA studies (NZ1-PSO)

(in Polish: Praca socjalna, niestacjonarne (zaoczne), pierwszego stopnia)
first cycle programme
extramural, 3-year studies
Language: Polish

Kierunek studiów I stopnia PRACA SOCJALNA w IPSiR UW to interesująca oferta dla osób, które swoją przyszłość wiążą z pomaganiem ludziom. Kształcimy szeroko rozumianych „profesjonalistów od pomagania”, czyli uczymy, jak skutecznie i odpowiedzialnie pomagać. Wykładowcy to specjaliści z zakresu pracy socjalnej, pedagodzy, psychologowie, prawnicy, socjolodzy.

Program studiów obejmujący zajęcia teoretyczne oraz praktyczne wraz z praktykami zawodowymi przygotowuje studentów do pracy z osobami, rodzinami, grupami i społecznościami. Przekazujemy interdyscyplinarną wiedzę, ale również rozwijamy umiejętności niezbędne do nawiązywania profesjonalnych relacji pomocowych.

Absolwenci kierunku Praca socjalna uzyskują uprawnienia zawodowe – mają prawo do wykonywania zawodu ‘pracownika socjalnego’ w Polsce i w pozostałych krajach Unii Europejskiej. Znajdują zatrudnienie w rozmaitych instytucjach państwowych, samorządowych i organizacjach pozarządowych – wszędzie, gdzie treścią pracy jest kontakt z drugim człowiekiem.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.ipsir.uw.edu.pl

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - Social work

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme

Learning outcomes

Annot. 1 The effects of education for the programme (8 - 10 most significant ones)
After graduating, a student shall demonstrate the following knowledge / skills / competencies:
1. He has basic knowledge of the specific character, the subject, terminology and theories of the particular sciences, the components of the interdisciplinary knowledge concerning social work and their mutual relations
2. He has basic interdisciplinary knowledge of social institutions, social phenomena and problems, relations between the structures and social institutions, he comprehends their significance for social work.
3. He has knowledge of the structure and development of the social care system and its elements.
4. He can identify and interpret multidimensional processes and phenomena (social, psychic, cultural, legal, political, organisational and economic) and understand their relation with the reasons for life problems and difficulties experienced by individuals, families and communities and the forms of institutionalized support and their efficiency.
5. He can forecast the course of social processes and phenomena, and through them he can forecast the effects of the applied form of support, the policies and programs directed to individuals, families and communities requiring support, the objective of which is to solve their problems and meet their needs
6. He has the ability to understand and analyse social functions, multidimensional determinants and dilemmas of social work, support institutions, policies, projects programs directed to individuals, families and communities requiring support.
7. He can use the principles and norms of law, ethics and in particular ethics of social work while designing and implementing forms of support, policies, projects, programs directed to individuals, families and communities requiring support.
8. He can choose effective strategies, methods and forms of intervention, the purpose of which is to improve the life situation of individuals, families and communities experiencing problems and difficulties, and this choice must be relevant to the circumstances they are in as well as well as to their point of view.
9. He is ready to establish support - based relations and participate in preparations of social projects.
10. He is aware of the dilemmas accompanying the implementation of social work, the standards of ethics and the significance related to meeting such standards at work.

Annot. 2. The scope of studies in ECST points and semesters
180 ECTS points and 6 semesters,

Annot. 3. If the programme is based on standards (teacher training) a relevant ordinance must be provided
not applicable

Annot 4. Number of ECTS points falling on the classes in the scope of basic sciences, practical classes, including laboratories, project classes and elective module classes.

Basic subjects - 169 ECTS
Workshops - 8 ECTS
Elective classes – 43 ECTS (seminars, facultative subjects and all - university subjects)

Annot. 5 Information concerning student internship (if provided for in the programme of studies) including the scope of time and number of ECTS points
Student internship 210 hrs – 7 ECTS

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/